问题 单项选择题


病人入院后第二天受凉后发热,头痛加重,饮水量少,神志不清。查体血压90/60mmHg,口唇干燥,皮肤弹性差;未见颈抵抗和视 * * 水肿。此时应首先考虑








解析:此病人烦渴,多饮,尿量多,全天达9L,虽有消瘦,但无多食,所以最可能的疾病是尿崩症。中枢性尿崩症常由垂体或附近的肿瘤、创伤等引起,所以为了明确病因应行头颅CT或MRI检查。病人由于饮水量少,而尿量不减,所以发生脱水,表现口唇干燥,皮肤弹性差,结果产生高钠血症,引起神志不清,因为血压正常,无颈抵抗和视 * * 水肿,所以不考虑其他四种情况。

                                                            Ride With The Leader
     CitySights NY has become the recognized leader in NYC's sightseeing.
     We operate the first top-deck-seating-only buses. Look for friendly ticket agents throughout the city. We
very much appreciate your choosing us and wish you a wonderful visit.
     ▲Downtown Tour
     Empire State Building. Chinatown.
     World Trade Center Site. Wall Street.
     United Nations. Rockefeller Center.
     Departure Times: 7:45am-6:00pm, daily.
     Departure Locations: 8th Ave. between 49th &50th Sts.,
     Broadway between 47th &48th Sts., 7th Ave. &42th St.
Adults $44
Kids $34
(age 5---11)
Ticket valid for 24 hours
     ▲Uptown Tour
     Lincoln Center. Central Park.
     Metropolitan Museum of Art.
     Museum of Natural History.
     Museum of Modern Art and more.
     Departure Times: 9:00-5:00pm, daily.
     Departure Locations: 8th Ave. between 42th &43th Sts.,
                                    8th Ave. & 52th St.
Adults $74
Kids $34
(age 5---11)
Ticket valid for 24 hours
     ▲Night Tour
     Enjoy and photograph the magnificent Manhattan skyline.
     Enjoy view of Times Square, SoHo, Little Italy, Brooklyn
     Bridge and more.
     Departure Times: 6:30-8:00pm, 7 days a week.
     Departure Locations: Broadway between 47th &48th Sts,,
                                    7th Ave. & 42th St.
Adults $69
Kids $34
(age 5---11)
     ▲Escorted Day Trips
     Professional tour guides accompany throughout.
     All Day Trips about 13 hours. Reservations Required.
     Walk the Boston Freedom Trail
Adults $149
Kids $149
(Per Day Trip)
     Walk the Boston Freedom Trail
     Walk the Freedom Trail, which is 2.5 miles long with 16 historic sites. Decide the length of walk you wish
to take. Visit Boston Harbor. See the downtown financial district and cross the Charles River to visit the squares
of Cambridge, Harvard & MIT universities.
     Philadelphia & Amish Country
     See the Liberty Bell and Constitution Square. Continue to Lancaster Country, home of the Amish people.
Learn how Amish live without modern technology, electricity, running water or phones.
     Departure Time: 7:00 am.
     Departure Location: 125 Park Ave. between 42th & 41th Sts.
1. What do Downtown Tour and Uptown Tour have in common?
A. They both start from the same spot.
B. They offer chances to visit museums.
C. They're both available every day.
D. They charge the same for adults.
2. A couple with a 9-year-old child wants to visit Times Square. How much will they pay?

A. $ 122.
B. $172.
C. $182.
D. $298.

3. What's special about Escorted Day Trips?
A. You start your trip the earliest of all.
B. You walk the whole trip all day long.
C. You can learn about modern technology.
D. You need to book the trip in advance.