问题 填空题





Starting with his review of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior, Noam Chomsky had led the psycholinguists who argue that man has developed an innate (天生的) capacity for dealing with the linguistic universals common to all languages. Experience and learning then provide only information about the (1) instances of those universal aspects of language which are needed to communicate with other people within a particular language (2) .

This linguistic approach (3) the view that language is built upon learned associations between words. What is learned is not strings of words per se (本身), but (4) rules that enable a speaker to (5) an infinite variety of novel sentences. (6) single words are learned as concepts: they do not stand in a one-to-one (7) with the particular thing signified, but (8) all members of a general class.

This view of the innate aspect of language learning is at first not readily (9) into existing psychological frameworks and (10) a challenge that has stimulated much thought and new research directions. Chomsky argues that a precondition for language development is the existence of certain principles "intrinsic (原有的) to the mind" that provide invariant structures (11) perceiving, learning and thinking. Language (12) all of these processes; thus its study (13) our theories of knowledge in general.

Basic to this model of language is the notion that a child’s learning of language is a kind of theory (14) . It’s thought to be accomplished (15) explicit instruction, (16) of intelligence level, at an early age when he is not capable of other complex (17) or motor achievements, and with relatively little reliable data to go on. (18) , the child constructs a theory of an ideal language which has broad (19) power. Chomsky argues that all children could not develop the same basic theory (20) it not for the innate existence of properties of mental organization which limit the possible properties of languages.







在我国主要企业液压挖掘机销售统计中,在3月份4379台销量中,按机型分析,15吨级 276台(上月为135台),20吨级2025台(1082台),22吨级1777台(973台),25吨级65台 (37台),30吨级213台(117台),35吨级11台(11台),40吨级12台(4台)。各吨级销量 (除35吨级外)几乎比上月增加一倍。按企业统计,常州现代1007台占23.0%,大宇重工烟台862台占19.7%,小松山推777台占17.7%,合肥日立699台占16.0%,CATERPILLAR489台占11.2%,成都神钢346台占7.9%,北京现代京城工程机械有限公司96台占2.2%,小松常州32台占0.7%。按地区分析,我国江苏、浙江、山东和安徽四省分别销量为1050、527、459和325台,四省合计销量2361台,占总销量53.92%,其中江苏省当月销量突破千台。西部地区销量783台,占当月销量17.88%,特别是云南、新疆和四川省月销量突破百台,分别是141台、140台和104台,其次是重庆,广西、陕西和青海省,分别为77台、67台、64台和51台,销量,增加。西部地区各省区当月销量均比上月有所增加。东北辽、吉、黑三省合计134台占 3.06%,分别为94台、20台、20台,销量有所增加。 中部地区湖北140台,河南120台,江西 110台,销量较高。 四个直辖市中以上海市和北京市销量最高为289台和127台,其次重庆77台,天津市15台,合计508台占11.60%。当月出口3台。




