Diseases that can spread from one person to another are called infections (传染病). A UN health expert
warns that a new flu pandemic (世界性的流感) is coming. How do such diseases go round? Some diseases
go round in one way. Some in many ways.
For example, the virus (病毒) that make you catch a cold can travel from one person to another through
cough. They are breathed in with the air. That is a good idea to stay away from people who have a cold. What
seems to be a cold may be the beginning of some more serious diseases.
Virus travel from one person to another in many ways. Some diseases are carried by insects, such as flies
and mosquitoes (蚊子).
Larger animals can also carry diseases. People can get diseases from dogs or even rabbits. At one time
many people got TB (肺结核) by drinking milk form cows that had the disease. Today, milk is made safe. The
milk is heated and made cold.
( )1. Diseases can go round only in one way.
( )2. When you catch a cold, you don't need to stay away from people.
( )3. A cold may cause some other serious diseases.
( )4. Flies are useful insects because they can carry some diseases to people.
( )5. If a person drinks the milk which is from a sick cow, he may have the disease as well.
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