问题 单项选择题

At the ceremony at Yale University in 1983, several honorary degrees were awarded, including one to Mother Teresa. As she and other humanitarians and scholars, each in turn, received their awards, the audience applauded appropriately but with a slight hint of reserve and impatience, for it wished to give its heart to the final recipient who waited shyly in the wings. As the details of her achievements were being recounted, many people left their seats and surged toward the stage to be closer to the great woman. And when the name Meryl Streep was announced, the audience unleashed a sonic boom of affection to wake the New Haven dead. One man who was present when Bob Hope received his honorary doctorate at another institution said that Dr. Streep’s applause surpassed Dr. Hope’s. Knowing how to please a crowd as well as anyone, the intellectual leaders at Yale invited Dick Cavett, the talk-show host, to deliver the commencement address the following year. It is rumored that this year, Don Rickles will receive a Doctorate of Humane Letters and Lola Falana will give the commencement address.

Prior to the 1984 presidential elections, the two candidates confronted each other on television in what were called "debates." These events were not in the least like the Lincoln-Douglas debates or anything else that goes by the name. Each candidate was given five minutes to address such questions as, What is (or would be) your policy in Central America His opposite number was then given one minute for a rebuttal. In such circumstances, complexity, documentation and logic can play no role, and, indeed, on several occasions syntax itself was abandoned entirely. It is no matter. The men were less concerned with giving arguments than with "giving off" impressions, which is what television does best. Post-debate commentary largely avoided any evaluation of the candidates’ ideas, since there were none to evaluate. Instead, the debates were conceived as boxing matches, the relevant question being, Who KO’d whom The answer was determined by the "style" of the men—how they looked, fixed their gaze, smiled, and delivered one-liners. In the second debate, President Reagan got off a swell one-liner when asked a question about his age. The following day, several newspapers indicated that Ron had KO’d Fritz with his joke. Thus, the leader of the free world is chosen by the people in the Age of Television.

What all of this means is that our culture has moved toward a new way of conducting its business, especially its important business. The nature of its discourse is changing as the demarcation line between what is show business and what is not becomes harder to see with each passing day. Our priests and presidents, our surgeons and lawyers, our educators and newscasters need worry less about satisfying the demands of their discipline than the demands of good showmanship. Had Irving Berlin changed one word in the title of his celebrated song, he would have been as prophetic, albeit more terse, as Aldous Huxley. He need only have written, There’s No Business But Show Business.

The world has become one in which()

A. all that matters is showmanship

B. there is no order and discipline

C. everyone is enchanted by television

D. none knows his mission in the world




第一段和第二段都举出了很多例子,第三段是对这些例子的总结。作者总结说,在美国,无论是哪个行当的人——政治家、牧师、律师、教育家、播音员——都把能表演看做第一要务,不关心自己行当的需要。作者还诙谐地说,Irving Berlin曾经写过一首歌曲(注:歌名是“There’s No Business Like Show Business”),如果给这个歌名改一个词,就变成了“There’s Not Business But Show Business”,那样Berlin就称得上是预言家了。注:在《美丽新世界》中,Huxley对未来社会的景象进行了描述。





及居近侍,多所规讽。迁御史中丞,凡所纠劾,不避宠戚。梁王肜违法,处深文案之。及氐人齐万年反,朝臣恶处强直,皆曰:“处,吴之名将子也,忠烈果毅。”乃使隶夏侯骏西征。伏波 * * 孙秀知其将死,谓之曰:“卿有老母,可以此辞也。”处曰:“忠孝之道,安得两全!既辞亲事君,父母复安得而子乎?今日是我死所也。”万年闻之,曰:“周府君昔临新平,我知其为人,才兼文武,若专断而来,不可当也。如受制于人,此成擒耳。”既而梁王肜为征西大 * * 、都督关中诸军事。处知肜不平,必当陷己,自以人臣尽节,不宜辞惮,乃悲慨即路,志不生还。中书令陈准知肜将逞宿憾,乃言于朝曰:“骏及梁王皆是贵戚,非将率之才,进不求名,退不畏咎。周处吴人,忠勇果劲,有怨无援,将必丧身。宜诏孟观以精兵万人,为处前锋,必能殄寇。不然,肜当使处先驱,其败必也。”朝廷不从。时贼屯梁山,有众七万,而骏逼处以五千兵击之。处曰:“军无后继,必至覆败,虽在亡身,为国取耻。”肜复命处进讨,乃与振威 * * 卢播、雍州刺史解系攻万年于六陌。将战,处军人未食,肜促令速进,而绝其后继。处知必败,自旦及暮,斩首万计。弦绝矢尽,播、系不救。左右劝退,处按剑曰:“此是吾效节授命之日,何退之为!今诸军负信,势必不振。我为大臣,以身殉国,不亦可乎!”遂力战而没。

——节选自《晋书 列传第二十八 周处》

小题1:下列各项句中加点的字的解释,不正确的一项是:(   )(3分)




D.如受制于人,此成擒耳成擒,被擒,就擒小题2:下列各项,全都直接表明周处“忠勇”的一组是:(   )(3分)

①志存义烈,言必忠信克己 ②抚和戎狄,叛羌归附,雍土美之 ③周处吴人,忠勇果劲 ④自旦及暮,斩首万计 ⑤军无后继,必至覆败,虽在亡身,为国取耻。 ⑥我为大臣,以身殉国,不亦可乎!




D.①④⑥小题3:下列各项对文意的分析和概括,不正确的一项是:(   )(3分)





