(1)举起天,摇动地,形容力量很大。( )
(2)形容很大很笨的东西。( )
(3)神仙饮用的汁液,比喻稀奇少见的美味。( )
(4)由于受到感动而产生恭敬和钦佩之情。( )
Kate: Can you tell me more about your school life, Amy?
Amy: S 小题1: . I go to school at a q 小题2: past seven. Our classes s 小题3: at 8 a.m.
Kate: What is your f 小题4: subject?
Amy: I’m good at G 小题5: . I like to learn about the w 小题6: .
Kate: Do you have many friends at school?
Amy: Yes! I have a lot of friends. We always have f 小题7: in the playground after c 小题8: .
Kate: Do you get a lot of h 小题9: ?
Amy: Yes, but I don’t mind. It’s good for us to p 小题10: !