问题 单项选择题










How to keep healthy and be happy

 小题1: Who wouldn’t want to know how to be joyful and enjoy good health?

 小题2: Try to follow the food pyramid(金字塔). Eat a lot of fresh fruits or vegetables, some whole grains and fiber, a little bit of dairy, a little bit of meat, and very little sugar and fat.

 小题3: To exercise you can run, do sit-ups, push-ups, etc., lift weights, walk around your neighborhood.

 小题4: It is best to get at least seven hours of sleep a day because lack of sleep can harm your health. To form a regular sleep habit, go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. It may seem hard at first, but it will get easier after you’ve done it for a while.

Keep yourself busy. This is good because it prevents you from having bad habits, such as smoking and taking drugs. It is also important to keep busy with positive tasks.  小题5: To keep yourself busy you can work around the house, spend time with your pets. Write in a journal, do a sport, or spend time doing a hobby you enjoy.

Remember that nothing is worth sacrificing(牺牲)health and happiness for, so avoid anything that destroys them. Do not do anything harmful to yourself such as doing drugs, smoking, or hanging around and being influenced by negative people.

A.Be social and have friends.

B.Good health and happiness are important goals in life.

C.Eat balanced meals.

D.Worrying is harmful, and work is good for the mind as well as the body.E. Take some exercise regularly.

F. Make sure you get eight hours of sleep daily.

G. Form regular sleep habits.


张某,男,19岁,无业,常有小偷小抢行为。2003年1月3日,张某看见公共汽车站前坐着方某和齐某两人,方某睡着,而齐某身前有个旅行包。张某认为旅行包是齐某所有,于是乘齐某不备将包夺走后逃跑,从旅行包中发现有现金1000元及淫秽录像带若干盘。张某遂组织召集其朋友观看这些抢来的淫秽录像带,并组织播放达20场之多。同年3月7日,张某骑摩托车在某小道上抢走行人李某手上的挎包,并且故意利用摩托车拖带李某。李某因失去平衡而跌倒,摔断了胳膊,造成一级残废的重伤。张某在抢包后发现包里只有现金500元,他嫌太少,遂决定继续寻找犯罪目标,并想好在某储蓄所外守候,等待作案机会。不一会儿,丁某从储蓄所存款后出来,张某看见丁某手中提着大公文包,就趁机冲上去将包夺走后跑入巷内。丁某想包里空无一物,不想报警添麻烦,就没有追究了;但是张某发现后勃然大怒,他驾车紧追丁某,并使用暴力将丁某抓上摩托车,拉到郊外一小屋中。张某说,只要丁某给他1000元,就放丁某走,否则就要打死丁某。丁某当即给其朋友打电话,要其朋友给自己送1000元到小屋外的空地上,并在拿到钱之后交给了与他一起去取钱的张某。张某也如约将丁某放走。丁某之后报案,公安随后将张某抓获。 问题:
