问题 多项选择题







参考答案:A, B, C, D


     As my train was delayed for two hours, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some
newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way to the__1__office to collcct my heavy
suitcase I had __2__there three days before. Thcrc were only a few people__3__, ancl 1
took out my wallct to find the receipt for my case. The receipt didn't seem to bc where I
had left it.__4__the contents, and railway tickets, money, scraps of paper and photos fell
out of it; but no matter how__5__Isearched, the receipt was nowhere to be found.
     When my turn came, I__6__the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. The man looked
at me__7__as if to say that he had__9__this kind of story many times and asked me to
__10__the case.I told him that it was an old, brown looking__11__no different from the
many cases I could see on the shelves. The assistant then gave me__12__and told me to
__13__of the chief contents  of the case. If they were__14__, he said, I could take the
case away. I tried to _15__all the articles I had __16__packed into the case and wrote
them down as they
came to me.
     After I had done this, I went to__17__among theshelves. There were hundreds of cases
there. For one dreadful moment, it__18__to me that if someone had 33the receipt up he
could have easily claimed(认领) the case already. This hadn't happened__19__' for after
a time I found the case lying in a corner. After examining the
articles inside, the assistant was__20__and told me I could take the case away.

( )1.A. posting
( )2.A. left
( )3.A. standing
( )4.A. threw
( )5.A. often
( )6.A. said
( )7.A. now and then
( )8.A. knew
( )9.A. describe
( )10.A. object
( )11.A. a paper
( )12.A. sign names
( )13.A. everything
( )14.A. draw
( )15.A. carelessly
( )16.A. see
( )17.A. happened
( )18.A. picked
(     )19.A. fortunately
( )20.A. disappointed

B. working
B. forgotten
B. crowding
B. put
B. much
B. searched
B. up and down
B. realized
B. draw
B. matter
B. a note
B. make a list
B. wrong
B. remember
B. suddenly
B. watch
B. occurred
B. collected
B. unluckily
B. surprised

C. 1uggage
C. found
C. talking
C. hard
C. spoke
C. here and there
C. heard
C. take out
C. subject
C. a message
C. write down
C. correct
C. read
C. hurriedly
C. find
C. appeared
C. taken
C. by chance
C. satisfied

D. manager'.s
D. bought
D. waiting
D. explained
D. soon
D. explained
D. back and forth
D. seen
D. show
D. wallet
D. a form
D. draw a picture
D. ready
D. remind
D. immediately
D. seemed
D. stolen
D. presently
D. worried
