问题 名词解释




是就东晋 * * 的实质而言。东晋 * * 是以侨姓士族和吴姓士族为支柱建立的。东晋建立时,得到北方士族的代表人物王导等的支持。王导帮助司马睿争取到吴姓士族即江南地区土著士族的拥护。司马睿称帝,以王导为首的王氏士族功劳最大,所以王导为丞相,以王导族兄王敦任镇东大 * * ,王氏士族执掌了大权,所以有“王与马,共天下”之说。

A. Scientists are still working on testing them.
B. So some clever farmers have solved (解决) the watermelon problem.
C. Doctors might be able to use vegetables to fight cancer now.
D. Since 1990s, many Chinese farmers have had amazing rice harvests (收成).
E. Well, today the poem needs to change to"Roses are red, roses are blue"!
       Most people may not think that there are any problems with watermelons (西瓜), but some Japanese sellers do. There is often wasted space when they store watermelon because round watermelons do not
sit nicely on shelves.  1   They make their watermelons grow in square (正方形的) glass boxes so the
watermelons become square. The only problem now is the price which is about 80 dollars each.
       Many people know the saying"Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you."   2   
Australian scientists have just recently discovered that when they put a chemical from a blue flower into
a rose, they can create a nearly 100% blue rose. Some of scientists' inventions are beautiful, not just useful.
         3   For many years Chinese scientists have been working on developing new kinds of stronger rice
and now they have produced a new kind called super rice. Super rice not only can protect itself against
insects (害虫) and diseases, but it also produces more than any other kind of rice. Today farmers can
grow almost one and a half times more rice than they could grow in the past.
          4   US scientists have discovered a way to put a chemical into tomato plants while they are growing. When cancer patients eat the tomatoes,  the tomatoes will fight the cancer in their  bodies.  These
cancer-fighting vegetables are not yet for sale.  5   If study finds no problems with tomatoes, then patients
can begin to use this easy and delicious new treatment.