问题 单项选择题










One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited   21 for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became   22  . When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had   23  . He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not   24  in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that  25  even him.

He wrote his wife’ s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a  26  behind the desk in the booth. “   27  you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously   28  someone, would you please give her this?”he said. He then   29  his office in Morrison Building,   30  that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good   31  ! He sat down with a smile.

His wife   32  those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married

How are you with   33  ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are    34  . We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to change his or her mind.

Patience is an important   35  of a happy and rewarding life.   36  , some things are worth waiting for.   37  presents many opportunities for wait training.

We can hate waiting,   38  it or even get good at it! But one thing is   39 ——we cannot avoid it. How is your   40  coming along?

21. A. proudly             B. respectfully             C. patiently                        D. curiously

22. A. angry                B. hungry                   C. frightened                      D. thirsty

23. A. a question                B. a reason                  C. an opinion                     D. an idea

24. A. serious              B. difficult           C. regular                          D. convenient

25. A. hurt                  B. encouraged        C. attracted                        D. shocked

26. A. clerk                 B. secretary                 C. passer-by                       D. friend

27. A. Since                B. Before                    C. As                          D. If

28. A. looking for               B. working for         C. sending for                 D. paying for

29. A. called up           B. returned to       C. visited                    D. left

30. A. worried             B. disappointed      C. satisfied                  D. surprised

31. A. description               B. preparation        C. excuse                         D. lecture

32. A. tore                  B. saved                     C. developed               D. destroyed

33. A. your wife                 B. your family            C. patience                  D. determination

34. A. hoping for                B. waiting for             C. ready for                       D. fit for

35. A. lesson               B. experience          C. purpose                       D. quality

36. A. For example      B. After all                 C. Right now                     D. So far

37. A. Every age                B. Every shop               C. Every day                      D. Every office

38. A. accept               B. control                   C. change                          D. improve

39. A. certain              B. interesting          C. precious                       D. easy

40. A. photo taking       B. job hunting        C. decision making        D. wait training


结合材料回答问题:  鹦哥岭是海南省陆地面积最大的自然保护区,区内分布着完整的垂直带谱。在我国热带雨林生态系统保存上独占鳌头。这里山高路远,条件艰苦,一直难以招聘到具有较高专业素质的工作人员。  一、鹦哥岭来了大学生  自2007年起,先后有27名大学毕业生(2名博士、4名硕士、21名本科生)放弃大城市的优越生活,陆续从全国各地来到鹦哥岭保护区工作,山脚下一排破旧平房中的两间就是他们的家。“孩子们,这里的黎苗兄弟说是以种田为生,实际上就是种些橡胶,靠山吃山……你们来任务重啊!在关爱森林的同时,还要想法帮这里的百姓致富!”老站长的一席话,像重锤一样敲击着大家。“我们不会让鹦哥岭失望着的!”大家不约而同地喊出声。 二、鹦哥岭有了“档案馆”  到底鹦哥岭有多少种动植物这是摆在大学生们面前最直接的课题、也是鹦哥岭自然保护区要完成的首要工作。大学生们背着睡袋。锅碗瓢盆和监测仪上山了,他们聚精会神地做着记录,天黑了,架起锅巴煮成米饭,和着辣酱吃了实在太困了支起帐蓬钻进去睡一觉……经过4年多的艰辛努力,鹦哥岭自然保护区终于有了自己的“档案馆”;记录到城管来植物2197种、脊椎动物431种、鹦哥岭树蛙等14种科学新种以及26个中国新记录种等。  三、鹦哥岭有了护林员  鹦哥岭周边有103个自然村,近2万村民。看到村民大片砍代雨林种山芝、香蕉、作为环境保护者,大学生们痛心疾首。但习惯靠山吃山的当地百姓说。“让我们放下砍刀、放下猎枪绝对不行!”大学生们克服阻力,用真诚和智慧动员招募了270名护林员,并与他们一起,用一个多月时间,走遍了209公里长的界线,埋下了近400根桩和50多块界碑,为鹦哥岭保护区筑起了一道看得见的保护网。  四、鹦哥岭有了农业示范田  鹦哥岭是海南的贫困山区,为帮助当地黎苗族百姓脱贫致富,大学生们特地去外地取经,在鹦哥岭通过试点而大面积推广“稻鸭共育”的方法,带动当地人致富,农户们在稻田里骄傲地插上了“农业示范田”的牌子。接着大学生们又推广林下经济,在橡胶树下种菜、种瓜、养鸡;并帮助当地人建起了环保厕所,发行了猪圈,改善了居住的环境%当地百姓手里有了钱,靠上山砍树卖钱的人越来越少了。看到这一切,大学生们说,“我们感到由衷的幸福和快乐,也深切地感受到,这就是我们工作的意义和存在的价值。”  5年过去了,27名大学生一直坚守在鹦哥岭,他们甘于寂寞,乐于奉献仪式发现新物种,是敬业的科研工作者;引来环保理念,是先进理念的传播者;心系百姓喜忧,是黎苗族兄弟的贴心人!一份职业,背负三份责任。三个角色的完美融合,让我们看到了甘于寂寞的坚守力量和不甘于寂寞的奋斗精神,也让我们懂得了自已手中的笔、脚下的路、心中的秤要靠什么来指引,他们选择了一种有远见的生活方式。  每到毕业季,总有一些大学生毕业生发出“理想很丰满,现实很骨感”的感慨。究竟如何看待理想与现实的关系,鹦哥岭的大学生们用他们的实际行动给出了最响亮的回答。  摘编自《光明日报》(2012年4月9日、2013年6月7日)
