在窗体上画 1 个文本框,名称为 Text1,然后编写如下程序:Private Sub Form_Load()Open "d:\temp\dat.txt" For Output As #1Text1.Text = "" End SubPrivate Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If _________= 13 ThenIf UCase(Text1.Text) = _________ThenClose #1 End Else Write #1, _________Text1.Text = "" End If End If End Sub以上程序的功能是,在D盘temp目录下建立1个名为dat.txt的文件,在文本框中输入字符,每次按回车键(回车符的ASCII码是13)都把当前文本框中的内容写入文件dat.txt,并清除文 本框中的内容;如果输入"END",则结束程序。请填空。
— You all like your English teacher?
— Yeah, she devotes herself ____ to teaching and it earns her a good reputation. [ ]
A. originally
B. extremely
C. obviously
D. entirely