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     Welcome to NetLearn Languages-the home of live, online language learning!

     Let us help you improve your language skills! With us you can study English, French, Spanish, Italian,

German, Russian and other languages live via the Internet with qualified and experienced native-speaker

teachers using the free Internet conferencing program. In your lessons you will practice speaking the

language you are studying with your teacher, work on exercises and work-related files together, and more.

     Private Online Lessons

     If you need to improve your language skills quickly and would like the full attention of your teacher,

private lessons are for you. With us you can study one-to-one with a teacher, meaning that all lessons are

prepared specially for you. We also offer small groups (maximum 6 participants) for you and your colleagues-

you choose exactly with whom you want to study. Private lessons are ideal if you specially need to learn

the language for Medicine, Law or Business.

     The Cer@net package

     If you need to make a maximum amount of progress in a minimum amount of time, our Cer@net package

will be of interest to you. Offered in conjunction (连同) with our partners, Ceran Lingua International, the

Cer@net package includes 30 hours of live, online language study with NetLearn Languages and a one-week

intensive residential course at one of Ceran Lingua's centers around the world.

     Teachers' Resources

     We offer a range of services for teachers and teaching institutions. Please follow the links below for

further information. We also design and run workshops and courses in a number of areas including the use

of ICT in the classroom and online teaching. If you or your institution have specific training needs please

contact us to discuss it.

1. The passage suggests that "NetLearn Languages" is _____.

A. a private school

B. an excellent teacher

C. a useful website

D. an available book

2. We know that learning on NetLearn Languages is just like _____.

A. having a teacher in a room with you

B. watching teaching programs on TV

C. listening to your teacher on the radio

D. practicing with your classmates

3. The passage tells us that private Online Lessons are for those who _____.

A. want to study in large groups

B. have specific language needs

C. want to search for teaching skills

D. have just one-week free time

4. We know that Cer@net package includes _____ parts.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four