Wu Dong has a good friend.His name is Peter.He is from the U.S.A.Wu Dong and Peter are in the
same class.They go to school five days a week.They stay at home on Saturday and Sunday.Peter likes
Chinese and Chinese food.He likes rice cakes very much.At school they play table tennis after class.
Wu Dong and Peter like making things.Now they are making a plane.They like flying planes on
Sunday morning.Peter speaks English and a little Chinese.Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English.
They teach each other(互相).
( )1. Wu Dong has an American friend.
( )2. They go to school from Monday to Friday.
( )3. They often fly planes after class.
( )4. Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.
( )5. Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.
某公司年产焦炭120万t。新建工程项目位于某煤矿,项目投资17.6亿元,于2009年7月建成。工程包括2座55孔炭化室、高6m复热式焦炉,还包括原料场、输配煤系统、筛焦系统、干熄焦(备用湿熄焦):煤气净化及化产回收等配套工程。 装煤出焦、干熄焦烟尘采用地面除尘站,备用湿熄焦采用折流式木格栅捕尘装置,煤气净化采用AS氨水循环洗涤法脱除硫化氢和氰化氢,酚氰废水进入废水站采用A-O法处理。后外排Ⅴ类水体。根据当初甲评价单位完成并通过环境保护主管部门审批的环评报告书,当地环保局分配该项目主要污染物排放总量为:SO2750t/a、烟尘1400t/a、B[a]P100kg/a、CODCr150t/a、NH3-N20t/a,并要求业主对治理后的酚氰废水进行回用而不外排。 项目试运行,甲评价单位接受项目竣工环保验收委托。 [问题]