某住宅工程项目,建筑面积31000m2,某施工单位承包了此项工程。经过充分的施工准备,在进行该工程招标之前,设计单位向其提供了设计完善的详细的施工图纸。开发商在编制的招标文件中规定:各工程承包商在报价时要按照当期市场材料价格报价,对于工程施工需要的各种费用要考虑齐全,同时要考虑各种材料涨价等不利因素。开发商在招标文件中还明确本工程将采用图纸内容一次性包干的固定价格合同,如发包人无特殊要求,合同价格将不作变动。 【问题】 1.该工程采用固定价格合同是否合适 2.如果在施工中钢筋价格由承包人所报的价格2800元/t上涨到3800元/t,承包人是否可以向开发商进行费用索赔
I got a job teaching special education at a school in Coachella, California, a desert town about 170 miles from home. It was no (1) job. Street gangs (2) around the school after dark."Be careful," Dad warned me during one of my frequent weekend (3) home. He was concerned about my living (4) , but I needed to be on my own.One evening, I stayed after school to rearrange my classroom. (5) , I turned out the light and closed the door. Then I (6) toward the gate. It was (7) ! I looked around. Everyone had gone home.After (8) all the exits, I found just enough (9) to squeeze under a gate in the back of the school. Then I walked toward my car, parked in a field behind the building.Suddenly I heard voices. I (10) around and saw at least eight boys following me. (11) my pace, I reached into my shoulder bag to get my key. I (12) all over the inside of my handbag. But the key wasn’t (13) ! Dear Lord, please help me, I prayed (14) . Suddenly, my fingers touched a loose key in my purse. I didn’t even know if it was for my car, but I took it out and (15) it. It worked!I opened the door, slid in and locked it—just (16) the teenagers surrounded the car. Trembling , I started the engine and (17) away. When I returned to my apartment, the phone was ringing. It was my Dad. I didn’t tell him about my experience; I didn’t want to (18) him. "Oh, I forgot to tell you!" He said, "I had a(n) (19) car key made and slipped it into your purse—just (20) you ever need it.