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材料一  1815年,英国土地贵族控制的议会颁行“谷物法”规定只有在小麦价格超过每夸特(计量单位)80先令(货币单位)时,才准许进口谷物。而因为麦价很少高过80先令,一般都在50~60先令之间,所以“谷物法”一直是起作用的。


材料二 英国长期以来实行的是保护性的重商主义政策,从17世纪五六十年代开始实行的“航海条例”到1815年颁行的“谷物法”都体现了这一政策。但到19世纪前半期,强大的英国工业已经不再需要国家来保护了,相反的,这个政策只能阻碍商品的自由流通,因而不利于英国工业的发展。1832年议会改革后,上台掌权的工业资产阶级的代表们便开始了争取废除一系列重商主义法律的斗争,到1846年终于迫使议会废除了“谷物法”,“航海条例”也在1849年被取消了。在1846~1849年间,议会又取消了200种左右的商品进口税。


材料三 “谷物法”废除后,外国农产品大量涌入英国市场,使英国农场主受到外国廉价粮食竞争的严重威胁,但英国农业仍然获得了发展。资本主义大农场逐步建立起来,以畜力、水力或蒸汽为动力的各种农业机器陆续出现,并开始使用化学肥料,在推广优良畜种、增加种植品种、改进排水方法等方面也都有进展。1850—1870年间,英国农业产量增加一倍。













Ever since it was claimed that a medicine made from the Chinese three-striped box turtle could cure cancer, demand for the product has increased, making the turtle the most expensive to be found in China’s food markets. Huge sums of money have been made selling the medicine. The turtle -- along with a few other Cuora species -- was once imported into China by the pet trade.
Exporters obtained the specimens in the food markets rather than going out to collect them in the wild. Treatment of the turtles prior to reaching the markets resulted in many of them being diseased. Packed tightly into crates, often for journeys of several weeks without food, it is little wonder that many specimens exported to western countries fared poorly when purchased as pets.
Throughout the Far East turtles and tortoises have featured in various cultures and certain religions. They have also been used for hundreds of years for food and medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is probably the greatest threat to the three-striped box and to the thousands of other turtles that are imported yearly into China. Turtles are well known for their longevity, which it is thought will be passed on to those eating them. Turtle blood, bones and shells -- particularly the plastron (ventral part of the shell) -- are thought to have medicinal properties and be able to cure a number of ailments. Turtle eggs are also used for food and medicine. The medicinal value of the turtles is open to question, and it is possible that herbs could produce the same effects. Any beneficial substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically, so as to prevent the killing of turtles.
The southern part of China has become more prosperous in recent years, and the demand for turtles has increased dramatically. Turtle dishes are served in restaurants and regarded as an expensive delicacy, even a status symbol.
As turtle supplies in China dwindled, traders started importing the animals from Vietnam. As a result, many Vietnamese turtles have now disappeared from their haunts in the wild. To satisfy growing demand, importers have now turned to sources farther afield, including Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, India, Bhutan and Indonesia.
Since biologists started studying turtles in Chinese food markets, several previously unknown and extremely rare species have been found; some are on Appendix I of CITES. At the present rate of collection such specimens, and even species not yet discovered, could soon be extinct. The three-striped box turtle is simply one among dozens of other species flooding into China, but its high value makes it a special target for collectors.

From the passage we learn that ______.

A.turtles are the only source used to make medicine to cure a number of ailments

B.some chemical substances may have the same effect as turtles

C.turtles are nearly extinct in China

D.turtle dishes are the only expensive delicacy in Chinese restaurants