问题 写作题



     In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe

the picture and explain how you understand it.





Possible versions1


     As can be seen in the picture, some people are standing hand-in-hand, forming the shape of a heart. They

are all smiling happily. This picture conveys the message that sometimes we need to be united. There are

basically two ways to accomplish things: working alone or working together with others. We are born with

all kinds of ambitions, to conquer the world, for example. Yet very often we are awakened up by the plain

fact that there are certain things we cannot accomplish alone. Therefore, it is essential for us to work in a

united way. United, we stand; divided, we fall.

     We should bear in mind that we cannot survive alone and frequently we need to unite with others to

achieve our goals.

Possible versions2


     As can be seen in the picture, many children are standing merrily in a circle, hand-in-hand. The circle is

heart-shaped. The simple picture conveys a deep message that the world will be full of love when everybody

passes their own love to others. Love is important for us. Just as the picture above, only when love is

delivered from person to person can we sense each other's trust, concern, warmth, friendship, etc, which

are vital for everyone's happiness.

     In a word, if every one of us can devote a bit of love to others, our lives will be more beautiful.



材料一  1925年3月12日,中国民主革命的伟大先驱孙中山先生在北京病逝,悼念文章布满各地大小报章。有个叫卢绍稷的人,发表了《东西两国父》一文,倡言:孙中山与华盛顿同为革命领袖,华盛顿为独立而争,先生为三民主义而斗,四十年如一日,几死者十余次,其精神、毅力、功绩,较之华盛顿有过之而无不及,理所当然应尊为国父。     



材料二  在1982年第55届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,影片《甘地传》获得八项大奖,上台领奖的人强调真正应该获奖的是甘地本人。     



材料三  长时期以来,军政人物和绝大部分公民把意大利战争和埃及战争的英雄人物——第一执政当作偶像来崇拜,都齐声祝愿他能有一个同他的名望和同法国的伟大相符的称号。……大家感到他有一个国家最高元首的称号是顺理成章的,因为他实际上已扮演了这样的角色。……要说是皇帝篡夺了金銮宝座,那么我们可以说,他身边的同谋比善于导演喜悲剧的所有暴君都多,因为四分之三的法国人都参与了他的阴谋。         ——(法)康斯坦《回忆拿破仑》

材料四  欧洲则普遍认为,由人民自己治理国家,最终只会导致无政府主义和天下大乱,但不管怎样,华盛顿并没有顺应当时的潮流,为世上多添一顶王冠。然而世界却将因多了一位总统,而使王冠从此暗淡无光甚至难以戴稳。         ——陈森《华盛顿——美国的开国元勋》

