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Plant scientists consider them as fruit. Most other people think of them as vegetables. Whatever you call tomatoes, there are many different kinds of this popular and healthy food.

There are two groups of the plants. Small tomato plants grow to about one meter. They can be planted rather close together. Some short kinds do not require special care and are often gotten crop by machines. Large tomato plants can grow over two meters tall. They also produce larger fruits.

People who grow only a few plants can place wire cages around each one. The cage can be made of wire fence material. The cage helps the plant grow taller and produce a better crop.

Tomatoes often need extra calcium (Ca), or the fruits may be ruined. Add lime to the soil can solve this problem. Dry lands may also ruin the fruits. Tomatoes need water regularly. The soil should never dry out completely. Dried grass or leaves placed around the plant can help hold water in the soil and stop the growth of unwanted plants.

Tomatoes are native to South America. The tomato is a member of the potato family. The leaves of the plant are poisonous, like the leaves of its relatives. Before the 18th century, people grew tomatoes only as pretty plants. They called the bright red fruit a “love apple”, but would not eat it.

小题1:Which of the following is right about the small tomato plants?

A. They can grow to about 2 meters.    

B. They can’t be planted close together.

C. Some of them don’t require special care.

小题2:People place wire cages around the plant in order to ___________.

A. protect the plant from being taken by others.

B. help the plant grow taller and produce a better crop

C. keep the plant from being eaten by animals

小题3:The underlined word “ruin” probably means “___________”.

A. grow     B. destroy      C. stop    

小题4: People often give tomatoes extra calcium by ___________.

A. adding lime to the soil          B. watering the plant regularly

C. putting dried grass around the plant

小题5:What can we learn from the passage?

A. Tomatoes are native to North America.

B. The leaves of the plant can also be eaten.

C. Americans began to eat tomatoes from the 18th century.







小题1:根据Some short kinds do not require special care 描述,可知有些西红柿不需要特殊照顾,故选C。

小题1:根据People who grow only a few plants can place wire cages around each one. The cage can be made of wire fence material. The cage helps the plant grow taller and produce a better crop.描述可知选B。

小题1:联系上文Tomatoes often need extra calcium (Ca), or 西红柿需要额外的钙,及转折连词,or可知此处是毁灭的意思,故选B,毁灭。

小题1:根据Add lime to the soil can solve this problem. 描述,可知选A。

小题1:根据Before the 18th century, people grew tomatoes only as pretty plants.描述可知,十八世纪以前西红柿只是作为观赏植物种植,人们从十八世纪以后开始食用西红柿,故选C。


某建设单位和施工单位按照《建设工程施工合同<示范文件)》签订了施工合同,合同中约定:建筑材料由建设单位提供;由于非施工单位原因造成的工程停工,机械补偿费为200元/台班,人工补偿费为50元/工日;总工期为120天;竣工时间提前奖励为3000元/天,误期损失赔偿费为5000元/天。经项目监理机构批准的施工进度计划如图3所示 (单位:天)。



事件2:建设单位提供的建筑材料经施工单位清点入库,在专业监理工程师的见证下进行了检验,检验结果合格。其后,施工单位提出,建设单位应支付建筑材料的保管费和检验费,由于建筑材料需要进行二次搬运,建设单位还应支付该批材料的二次搬运费。事件3:①由于建设单位要求对B工作的施工图纸进行修改,致使B工作停工3天 (每停一天影响30工日,10台班);②由于机械租赁单位调度的原因,施工机械未能按时进场,使C工作的施工暂停5天(每停一天影响40工日,10台班);③由于建设单位负责供应的材料未能按计划到场,E工作停工6天(每停一天影响20工日,5台班)。施工单位就上述三种情况按正常的程序向项目监理机构提出了延长工期和补偿停工损失的要求。



