材料一 二战临近结束时,这种共同的危险促成的合作开始动摇。合作者们为了各自心目中的国家利益宁愿牺牲团结。因此,随着和平的到来,大同盟内部不和而分裂了,两三年内便为时常象要变成热战的冷战所取代。 ——《全球通史》
材料二 战后欧洲合作与发展,是一个让人心动的选项。合作是从……这两个欧洲中西部面积最大的国家开始的,这两国是宿怨深厚的邻居,在二战前的1100多年中,他们一共打了200多场战争,平均5年就开战一次。……历史给这两个持续对抗了几个世纪的国家两败俱伤的惨痛教训,也启迪了他们相逢一笑泯恩仇的政治智慧。
材料三 1989年布什公开提出:美国现在的目标远不仅仅是遏制苏联的扩张,我们所要求的是苏联重新成为国际社会的一员,西方应当鼓励苏联朝一个开放的社会演进,直到迹象表明苏联已经进行了民主和自由市场的经济改革之后,华盛顿才不会再阻止对苏联的经济援助。
材料四 20世纪八、九十年代,两极格局解体,世界向多极化发展。中国不但经受住严峻的考验,而且始终抓住发展经济、社会进步的根本不动摇,中国已成为在世界事务中具有广泛影响的世界性大国。
——《中 * * :由衰落走向复兴》
Of all the areas of learning the most important is the development of attitudes. Emotional reactions as well as logical thought processes affect the behavior of most people. "The burnt child fears the fire" is one instance ; another is the rise of despots like Hitler. Both examples also point up the fact that attitudes stem from experience. In one case the experience was direct and impressive; in the other it was indirect and cumulative. The Nazis were indoctrinated largely by the speeches they heard and the books they read. The classroom teacher in the elementary school is in a strategic position to influence attitudes. This is true partly because children acquire attitudes from those adults whose word they respect.
The author of this passage tries to ______. A. present certain facts of how the development of a person’s attitude can be influenced B. show that our society is not doing enough to help children shape their attitudes C. point out that teachers are the only people who can influence the children’s attitudes D. prove that speeches and books are the only factors to indoctrinate children
Another reason it is true is that pupils often delve somewhat deeply into a subject in school that has only been touched upon at home or has possibly never occurred to them before. To a child who had previously acquired little knowledge of Mexico, his teacher’s method of handling such a unit would greatly affect his attitude toward Mexicans.The media through which the teacher can develop wholesome attitudes are innumerable. Social studies (with special reference to races, creeds and nationalities) , science matters of health and safety, the very atmosphere of the classroom... these are a few of the fertile fields for the inculcation of proper emotional reactions.However. when children come to school with undesirable attitudes, it is unwise for the teacher to attempt to change their feelings by cajoling or scolding them. She can achieve the proper effect by helping them obtain constructive experiences.To illustrate, first grade pupils afraid of policemen will probably alter their attitudes after a classroom chat with the neighborhood officer in which he explains how he protects them. In the same way, a class of older children can develop attitudes through discussion, research, outside reading and all-day trips.Finally, a teacher must constantly evaluate her own attitudes, because her influence can be deleterious if she has personal prejudices. This is especially true in respect to controversial issues and questions on which children should be encouraged to reach their own decisions as a result of objective analysis of all the facts.