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材料一 欧洲主观统一的轨迹,表现出两大特点:一是从以战争和暴力为手段的统一走向建立在和平和自觉基础上的真正统一;二是欧洲主观统一的过程也是一个欧洲统一观念从思想家向政治家延伸的过程。


材料二  1950年春,让·莫内(因最早提出把法德两国的煤和铁合并设想,并得到法国外长舒曼支持,被誉为“欧洲之父”)在阿尔卑斯山区步行,集中静思欧洲的前途:1949年以来冷战的升级;由于美国经济进入萧条期,即将结束的马歇尔计划不可能延长;联邦德国成立引发法国公众舆论开始担忧德国威胁的重演……莫内敏锐地感觉到,上述因素的相互作用,提供了欧洲走向联合的机遇。……莫内迅速返回巴黎,与助手立即起草了一个方案,要旨是将法、德煤炭和钢铁资源共同置于一个“超国家机构”的监督管理下,同时邀请其他欧洲国家自愿参加。1951年,法、德等六国正式签署了“欧洲煤钢共同体”的协议。尽管协议与莫内的草案有所区别,但总的来说,坚冰已经突破,更广泛的欧洲联盟的前景出现在地平线上。







Yellowstone is much more than hot ground and gushing steam. Located astride the Continental Divide, most of the park occupies a high plateau surrounded by mountains and drained by several rivers. Park boundaries enclose craggy peaks, alpine lakes, deep canyons, and vast forests. In 1872, Yellowstone became the world’s first national park, the result of great foresight on the part of many people about our eventual need for the solace and beauty of wild places.
(42) When to Go
More than half of the 3 million annum visitors come in July and August. In September and early October, the weather is good, the visitors few, and the wildlife abundant. In May and June, you can see newborn animals, but the weather may be cold, wet, and even snowy. Between about No-vember 1 and May 1 most park roads are closed to vehicles.
(43) Getting There
(44) How to Visit
The 142-mile (228.5-kilometer) Grand Loop Road forms a figure eight, with connecting spurs to the five entrances. On any visit, start with the geyser basins and Mammoth Hot Springs to see wildlife and thermal features (caution: both can be hazardous if approached too closely). On the second day, travel to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Hayden Valley, and Yellowstone Lake.
(45) Park Information
Park opens year-round.
[A] Road from North Entrance to Northeast Entrance open all year; most other park roads closed to cars November through April. Call headquarters for latest weather and road conditions.
[B] Facilities for Disabled Visitor centers, Madison and Fishing Bridge Campgrounds, most rest rooms, amphitheaters, numerous ranger-led activities, walks, and exhibits are wheelchair accessible. Free brochure available.
[C] On a longer stay, visit the Northern Range, or consider a boating or fishing trip on Yellowstone Lake; a backcountry excursion on foot or horse; or any of the numerous easy nature trails throughout the park.
[D] In early years, what made Yellowstone stand out was the extravaganza of geysers and hot springs. The wild landscape and the bison, elk, and bears were nice but, after all, America was still a pioneer country filled with scenic beauty and animals.
[E] By Plane
West Yellowstone Airport (WYS) at the West Entrance of Yellowstone. (This airport is open June through September.)
Cody Airport (COD) about 50 miles (81 kilometers) from the park.
[F] During the winter season, mid-December to mid-March, Yellowstone becomes a fantasy of steam and ice; facilities are limited but sufficient. Only the road between the North and Northeast Entrances stays open to cars, but snowmobiling is permitted on unplowed roads. Heated snow coaches offer tours and give cross-country skiers access to the 50 miles (80.5 kilometers ) of groomed trails.