问题 单项选择题

People can get emotional about immigration. Bill O’Reilly, a talk-show host, devoted a recent segment to the story of an illegal alien who got drunk and accidentally killed two attractive white girls with his car. If only he had been deported for previous misdemeanours, Mr. O’Reilly raged, those girls would still be alive. Another talk-show host, Geraldo Rivera, during an on-air shout-joust(争吵) with Mr. O’ Reilly, denounced his demagogic choice of story-angle as" a sin".

President George Bush tried again this week to bring a more rational tone to the debate. He urged the new Democratic Congress to revive the immigration reforms that the old Republican Congress killed last year. His proposal was broadly the same as before. He said he wanted to make it harder to enter America illegally, but easier to do so legally, and to offer a path to citizenship for the estimated 12m illegals who have already snuck in.

The first part faces few political hurdles and is already well under way. Mr. Bush expects to have doubled the number of Border Patrol agents by the end of next year. The new recruits are being trained. And to defend against the invading legions of would-be gardeners and hotel cleaners, the frontier is also equipped with high-tech military gizmos(小发明), such as unmanned spy planes with infra-red(红外) cameras. This may be having some effect. Mr. Bush boasted that the number of people caught sneaking over the border had fallen by nearly 30% this year.

And the controversial part of Mr. Bush’s immigration package--allowing more immigrants in and offering those already in America a chance to become legal -- is still just a plan. House Republicans squashed it last year. Mr. Bush senses a second chance with the new Democratic Congress, but Democrats, like Republicans, are split on the issue. Some, notably Ted Kennedy, think America should embrace hard- working migrants. Others fret that hard-working migrants will undercut the wages of the native-born.

Mr. Bush would like to see the pro-immigrant wings of both parties work together to give him a bill he can sign. The Senate is expected to squeeze in a debate next month. The administration is trying to entice law-and-order Republicans on board; a recent leaked memo talked of substantial fines for illegals before they can become legal and" much bigger" fines for employers who hire them before they do.

The biggest hurdle, however, may be the Democrats’ reluctance to co-operate with Mr. Bush. Some figure that, rather than letting their hated adversary share the credit for fixing the immigration system, they should stall until a Democrat is in the White House and then take it all. So there is a selfish as well as a moral argument for making a deal.

Which of the following is proposed by Mr. Bush()

A. Making it harder for immigrants to enter America both legally and illegally

B. Carrying out substantial fine for illegals before they can become legal

C. Setting up more Border Patrol agents by the end of this year

D. Allowing more immigrants in and offering them a chance to become legal







简肃薛公墓志铭    欧阳修


初举进士,为州第一,让其里人王严而居其次,于是乡里皆称之。淳化三年,再举乃中,授腻州军事推官。始至,取州狱已成书,活冤者四人。用荐者拜大理寺丞、知莆田县,悉除故时王氏无名租,莆田人至今以为德。及居蜀,尤有善政。民有得伪蜀时中书印者,夜以锦囊挂之西门,门者以白,蜀人随之者万计,且观公所为。公顾主吏藏之,略不取视,民乃止。老母告其子不孝者,子诉贫不能养。公取俸钱与之,曰:“用此为生以养。”母子遂相慈孝。人皆以公为仁恩。蜀人喜乱而易摇,公既镇以无事,又能顺其风俗,从容宴乐,及其临事,破 * * 发伏,逆见随决,如逢蒙之射而方朔之占,无一不中。


以疾告归其政。天子曰:"吾不可以数烦公。"乃诏优公不朝,而使视事如故。居岁中,数以告,乃得还第。景祐元年八月庚申,公薨于家,年六十有八,赠兵部尚书。太常议曰:"谥法:一德不懈曰简,执心决断曰肃。今其状应法。"乃谥曰“简肃"。   (选自《欧阳文忠公文集》)


小题1:对下列句子中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是(      )(3分)

A.三世皆不,而以公贵      显:显达

B欲天下,无细大          绳:约束

C. 太后不能言,           疾:痛恨 

D.太后不能,为改他服      夺:改变

小题2:下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法相同的一组是(      )(3分)

A  疾告归其政,                      B . 吾惭不及古人,俱后世讥我也

五十步笑百步,则如何                 蟹六跪二螯

C. 在衮冕也                         D. 数以告,得还第

可怪也欤                            今其智反不能及

小题3:下列对原文有关内容的理解和分析,不正确的一项是(  )(3分)








