问题 阅读理解

Recent research from the Pew Internet Project suggests that 90% of Americans aged from 12 to 17 use the Internet, and 51% of those teens use social networks. However, there are many possible problems with social networking sites and the teenagers who use them.

Apart from the social advantages, social networking sites can be used to record school research, develop artistic talents and experiment with other forms of subject creation. They provide a way to communicate with others who share the same interests and to get helpful advice on ongoing projects.

Along with these advantages come some dangers. For example, most social networking sites are open to all, especially MySpace, which is the most popular social network among teens in America. It means that they could be put in unpleasant and frightening situations.

A greater danger is that teens may become objects of the people with secret purposes. The secrecy of some social networking sites makes it easy for dangerous people to find young teens and invite them into dangerous conversations. It’s easy for them to pretend as teens and draw children into dangerous real-world communication as well. Then further hurt might be on its way.

Another danger is identity stealing, which can happen when teens share too much information about their names, dates of birth and locations.

Therefore, it’s very important to make sure teens are safe when they use social networks.

Many of the same rules that work for online chat work for these sites:

※Don’t use your real name.

※ Don’t give out personal information to people you don’t know. A last name and a town

are enough for a bad guy to find where you are.

※ Don’t believe that people are who they say to be.

※ Immediately end any communication that makes you uncomfortable and report it to a


Only if you are sure of your safety, can you enjoy the fun brought by social networking. Besides, trying to deal with all problems on your own can lead to terrible results. Remember, asking your parents or school officials for help doesn’t mean you are unable to do anything but wiser than many others.                                             

小题1:How many dangers of using social networks are mentioned in the passage?




D.5.小题2:The writer takes MySpace as an example to show that ________.

A.students could be put into unreal situations on the Internet

B.teenagers are facing unknown dangers on the social networks

C.Internet provides more social websites to American teenagers

D.social networks are very popular among teenagers in America小题3:We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.the dangers are similar when chatting online and surfing social networks

B.more than half American teenagers aged from 12 to 17 use social networks

C.teens who ask for help are wiser when meeting problems on social networks

D.there are more disadvantages than advantages for teens to use social networks





小题1:理解推断题,从文章中的语句中可以推断,①along with these advantages come some dangers. For example, most social networking。。。。。。②A greater danger is that teens may become objects…③Another danger is identity stealing,….可知有三个缺点。选B。

小题2:理解推断题有此句可得知“especially MySpace, which is the most popular social network among teens in America. It means that they could be put in unpleasant and frightening situations. ”可知选B。

小题3:推理题:从文章的句子:Many of the same rules that work for online chat work for these sites:可知聊天也是一样的危险。选A。







  示例:[ 印   刷   术] 胸怀大局,拒绝出格行为……      

     ①[             ] 把握导向,永不偏离路线……      

     ②[             ] 诊视清白,绘就完美画卷……      

     ③[             ] 谨慎行事,当心玩火自焚……

  【美丽黄冈】黄冈群蜂竞秀,景色迷人。“人间四月天,麻城看杜鹃。”在2010 年5 月初,万华同学和爸爸一起登麻城的龟峰山,放眼望去,万亩杜鹃红灿灿映入眼帘,万华触景生情吟出上联:                         爸爸沉思后对出下联:云雀叫天子。请参考下面的知识链接,然后填出上联。

  知识链接:杜鹃,俗名映山红。麻城龟峰山发现的古杜鹃群落,连片面积达1 万多亩,生长周期上百万年。面积之大、年代之久、密度之高、景色之美、保存之好,在华中地区堪称一绝。每逢春暖花开时节,杜鹃花红如火,漫山遍野,犹如彩霞绕林,令人赏心悦目。



