问题 单项选择题

Extraordinary creative activity has been characterized as revolutionary, flying in the face of what is established and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted. According to this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form and establishes a new principle of organization. However, the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is applied to the arts, even though it may be valid for the science; Differences between highly creative art and highly creative science arise in part from a difference in their goal. For the sciences, a new theory is the goal and end result of the creative act. Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways. Such phenomena as a brilliant diamond or a nesting bird are relegated to the role of date, serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory. The goal of highly creative art is different: the phenomenon itself becomes the direct product of the creative act. Shakespeare’s Hamlet is not a tract about the behavior of indecisive princes or the uses of political power, nor is Picasso’s painting Guernica primarily a prepositional statement about the Spanish Civil War or the evils of fascism. What ’highly creative activity produces is not a new generalization that ’transcends established limits, but rather an aesthetic particular. Aesthetic particulars produced by the highly creative artist extend or exploit, rather than transcend that form.

This is not to deny that a highly creative artist sometimes establishes a new principle of organization in the history of an artistic field; the composer Monteverdi, who created music of the highest aesthetic value, comes to mind. More generally, however, whether or not a composition establishes a new principle in the history of music has no bearing on its aesthetic worth. Because they embody a new principle of organization, some musical works, such as the operas of the Florentine Camerata, are of signal historical importance, but few listeners or musicologists would include these among the great works of music. On the other hand, Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro(费加罗的婚礼) is surely among the masterpiece of music even though its modest innovations are confined to extending existing means. It has been said of Beethoven that he toppled the rules and freed music from the stifling confines of convention. But a close study of his composition reveals that Beethoven overturned no fundamental rules. Rather, he was an incomparable strategist who exploited limits of the rules, forms, and conventions that he inherited from predecessors such as Haydn and Mozart, Handel and Bach—in strikingly original ways.

The passage implies that an original contribution in science is one that()

A. is often quoted in the work of other scientists

B. is careful not to make a value judgment about the use of data

C. is applauded by all distinguished experimentalists

D. generates a novel and well-founded generalization




第一段最后部分指出“What highly creative activity produces is not a new generalization that transcends established limits, but rather an aesthetic particular. Aesthetic particulars produced by the highly creative artist extend or exploit,rather than transcend that form.”。这说明人们经常引用和借鉴别人的可取之处。这与A符合。


国有企业华雄机械制造厂系增值税一般纳税人,主要生产甲产品,其流转税以1个月为一个纳税期,所得税按每季度实现的会计利润预交,华新税务师事务所于2001年4月 13日受企业的委托对其第一季度流转税及所得税纳税情况进行审查。 审查要求:1.根据所给资料顺序扼要指出纳税方面存在的问题,并作出相关调账处理。2.正确计算第一季度应预缴的企业所得税和应补缴的其他各项税费,并作相关计提,补缴税款的会计处理,(列出计算过程,计算过程及结果保留小数点后两位) 1) 有关会计核算资料: (1) 1月10日,第60号凭证,销售甲产品 2000件,不含税售价200元/件,货款已存入银行,企业账务处理为: 借:银行存款 468000 贷:产品销售收入 400000 应交税金-应交增值税(销项税额) 68000 (2) 1月20日第101号凭证,用本企业的一项专利权抵顶前欠三鑫公司的货款 200000元,此时该项专利权账面价值为 120000元,企业账务处理为: 借:应付账款-三鑫公司 200000 贷:无形资产-专利技术 120000 其他业务收入80000 经查该项业务企业未交纳任何税金。 (3) 2月6口,第30号凭证,销售临街库房一座,该库房原值1500000元,已提折旧 300000元,合同注明:库房售价2800000元,支付清理费10000元,上述款项通过银行结算,库房已清理完毕。 企业的账务处理为: 借:银行存款2800000 贷:固定资产清理 2800000 借:固定资产清理 10000 贷:银行存款10000 借:固定资产清理 1200000 累计折旧 300000 贷:固定资产 1500000 (4) 2月15日,第16号凭证,用银行存款支付本企业工程师王某在理工大学第一季度进修费3000元,企业账务处理为: 借:管理费用3000 贷:银行存款3000 (5) 2月28日,第121号凭证,本企业在建工程——精工车间领用甲产品20件,单位成本150元/件,企业账务处理为: 借:在建工程-精工车间 3000 贷:产成品 3000 (6) 3月5日,第45号凭证,购进一张豪华办公桌为厂长使用,增值税普通发票上注明的金额为26000元,款项已通过银行支付,企业账务处理为: 借:管理费用26000 贷:银行存款 26000 (7) 3月30日,第165号凭证,盘点库存生产原材料,发现因管理不善被盗,损失原材料账面价值为23000元,被盗原因尚未查明,企业账务处理为: 借:待处理财产损溢-待处理流动资产损溢 23000 贷:原材料 23000 2) 有关资料 (1) 企业采用“账结法”核算利润,3月底“本年利润”账户贷方余额累计数260000元。 (2) 第一季度应纳的各项流转税金已申报和缴纳完毕,且“应交税金——应交增值税”科目各月的销项税额均大于进项税额。 (3) 甲产品及原材料适用增值税税率为 7%,城市维护建设税适用税率为7%,教育费附加征收率3%,该企业所得税税率33%。 (4) 经法定评估机构评估临街库房的评估价为2000000元。