问题 单项选择题

Dogs are constantly learning from the reaction of human owners, picking up facial cues and anticipating their owner’s behavior, a new research suggests. The findings, published online in the journal Learning and Behavior, show that dogs essentially are always in training, and help explain how many owners unknowingly teach and reward their dog’s bad behavior.

Research conducted at the University of Florida focused on the role of eye contact and facial cues in influencing canine behavior. Earlier studies have suggested that dogs seem to know when they are being watched and even wait to perform forbidden behavior like digging in the garden when they know their owners aren’t looking. In this study, researchers studied how human cues triggered begging behavior among 35 pet dogs, 18 shelter dogs and 8 wolves raised in captivity. First the animals were taught that the human strangers helping with the experiment were reliable sources of tasty treats. The testers stood close together and called to the animal, and both offered rewards of Spam cubes or Beggin’ Strips treats.

After four rewards, the experiment began. Two testers stood against a fence or wall, about 20 feet apart and with food in their pockets. The dog was held about 20 feet away, equidistant from both testers. In one condition, one tester faced the dog while the other turned her back. In another, a tester held a book near her face, while the other tester held the book in front of her face, as if she were reading. In a third condition, one tester held a bucket near the shoulder, while the other put the bucket over her head, blocking her eyes.

Then, both testers called out to the dogs. All the animals—pet dogs, shelter dogs and wolves—ignored the person whose back was turned and sought food from the person who was looking at them. "The question was, are dogs and wolves responsive to a human’s attentional state" said Monique Udell, an assistant professor of psychology at Flagler College, Fla. But when the testers held books, it was only the domestic dogs who avoided the person who appeared to be reading the book. "In a house where they’re used to people reading books, they are sensitive to those types of cues," said Dr. Udell. Interestingly, in the bucket experiment, the animals, for the most part, were equally likely to seek food from the person with the bucket over her head as the person holding the bucket.

The experiment shows that dogs are tuned into whether humans are paying attention. "Dogs don’t have to read our minds. Dogs read our behavior," said Dr. Udell. Pet owners often get frustrated with bad dog behavior without realizing that they themselves have reinforced it, either by giving the dog a treat when they beg, skipping a bath when they protest or letting them sleep on the bed or couch.

The new study found that()

A. dogs never behave badly if their owners give them no cues

B. forbidden behavior is harder to train in canine animals

C. dogs’ behavior can never be shaped by conscious training

D. cues from humans help shape the behavior of canine animals







材料一 洪武十五年(1382年)仿宋制,置华盖殿、武英殿、文渊殿,东阁诸大学士,又置文华殿大学士以辅导太子。秩皆正品。……大学士特侍左右,备顾而已。 ——《明史》

材料二 凡京奏,禁中称文书,必发阁臣票拟。阁票用本、纸、小帖、墨字,内照票拟,或皇上御笔,或宦官代书,具在文书上面用朱字。阁票如有未合上意,上加笔削或发下改票,阁臣随即封上,间有执正强争,也多曲折。 ——叶凤毛《内阁小识》

材料三 “光荣革命”以后,国王经常召集重要大臣一起开会,以征求他们对一些政治问题的意见。当时,因为这种会议在一个小房间(cabinet)中举行,所以人们就称这个会议为内阁会议,意思是在小的密室中举行的会议,小集团成员即内阁成员。不过,在1714年以前,内阁还不是一个法定的组织,它只是少数主要大臣参加的会议。后来,到了汉诺威王朝时期,国王中很多人不懂英语,往往不参加内阁会议,而且,1714年以后,国王也没否决过内阁的决议。于是有的重要大臣就出来主持内阁会议,并把内阁的意见集中起来向国王汇报,这样,他的位置就日益突出,慢慢成为后来人们所称的首相。内阁制就这样逐渐形成并完善起来。  ——《世界史资料丛刊》







