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下列加点字注音正确的一项是(    )(2分)







题目分析:A中“锵”读kēng,“脍炙人口”读kuài;B是正确的;C中“狡黠”读xiá,“苦心孤诣”读yì;D “混淆”读xiáo。这就提醒考生,对于常见的字词平时要注意积累,读准字音,标准调号。拿不准的字要查字典。做字形题,要积累词语,注意书写。特别是同音异形字在应用时非常容易混淆,因此在学习过程中一定要记扎实。


Mr Reese was born in a big city. His father had several companies and got a lot of money. He could give his son all the young man wanted. He was busy with his business and never asked him how he got along with his studies. So the boy spent most time in the restaurants or cinemas. Of course he was weak at his lessons and learned nothing at school. He made many friends but none of them was good and when they knew he came from a rich family, they began to teach him to gamble(赌博). Of course he lost much money.

Now Mr Reese was twenty and finished middle school. He could not do anything. But his father didn't mind it until one day he found the young man had sold one of his companies. He became so angry that he made him leave his house. The young man couldn't gamble any longer. His friends made him pay his debt. He had to ask his mother to help him and the woman often gave him some money. But one evening his father happened to find it. The old man stopped his wife from doing so. They began to fight in the room. The young man brought out a knife and killed his father. His mother helped him to run away, but soon after that he was caught and sentenced(判刑)to death.

It was a cold and wet day. Suddenly it began to rain hard when Mr Reese was being sent to the execution ground(刑场). Soon both he and the soldiers were wet through. He said angrily, “Bad luck! I shall be shot in such bad weather!”

“Don't complain(抱怨), brother, ”said one of the soldiers. ‘You're luckier than us all. We'll have to go back to the city after that!”

小题1:Old Reese never wanted to know about his son's studies because ____.     [    ]

A.he was sure his son was good at his lessons

B.he spent all his energies on his business

C.he knew nothing about the education

D.his wife looked after their children小题2:The bad young men taught Young Reese to gamble in order ____.      [    ]

A.to play with him

B.to spend spare time

C.that the could get much money from him

D.that they could find jobs in his father's companies小题3: Old Reese became angry because ____.       [    ]

A.his son had learned nothing at school.

B.his son was weak at all his lessons

C.his son couldn't do anything in the companies

D.his son had lost one of his companies小题4: Mr Reese complained ____.   [    ]

A.he was sentenced to death

B.he would be shot

C.he went to the execution ground on foot

D.he would be shot in bad weather
