问题 单项选择题









古本屋 わたしは、町を歩いていて古本屋かあると、必ずのぞいてみる。古本屋の店の造りはどこも同じで、あまり広くもない間口の中央を本棚でしきり、入り口が二つになっている。人ひとり立つと、いっぱいの1通路の両側に天井までぎっしり本が詰まっている。奥の方には、並べ切れない本が山のように積み上げてある。その間の2わずかのすきまに、店の主人が、トランジスターラジオを聞きながら店番をしている。 わたし3( )、あの古本特有のにおいが何とも言えない魅力である。4それに誘われて店内をひとまわりする。おびただしい本の数であるが、整然と分類されている。わたしは専門の歴史の前に立ち止ってぎっしり並んだ本の背を上から下へと見ていく。5目にとまったものがあれば、抜き出して手に取ってみる。表紙、とびら、目次、奥付などをちょっと見て、序文を読み、ページをばらばらめぐる。ときには一部を立ち読みする。表紙裏のねだんを見て、手ごろなら、その場で買ってしまう。どうしてもほしくてさいふをはたいて買い、歩いて帰ってきたこともある。買わずにそのまま出てきても、6何の気がねもない。わたしの散歩も、たいていそういう古本屋めぐりである。








 小题1:  The first, and perhaps the most important, is whether to bury the body or cremate(火化) it.

Cremation is the act of burning the body until only the ashes are left. The ashes are placed in a container called an urn(骨灰盒). The urn is often put on display during the memorial service.   小题2:  Or they may bury them in the earth, place them in a tomb or scatter them in a special place.

It is said that cremations were used in almost 35% of funerals in 2009.   小题3:  And the cremation rate is expected to increase to almost 59% by 2025.

While cremation has grown in popularity, most families in the United States still choose to bury their loved ones.

After death, the person’s body is usually embalmed (进行防腐处理) to preserve it until the funeral is held. A traditional full service funeral usually includes a public viewing. This is called a wake. The body is placed in a special burial box called a coffin.   小题4:  The service may include music and comments about the loved one by family members and friends. A religious leader may also talk about the person and offer spiritual comfort to the family. After the service, family members and friends go to the gravesite where the body is buried or placed in a tomb.

 小题5:  A traditional full service funeral averages about 6,000 dollars. Flowers, funeral cars and special burial requests can increase the cost to more than 10,000 dollars. Cremations usually cost thousands of dollars less.

A.Then a memorial service is held.

B.This was an 11% increase from 1999.

C.American funerals can be quite costly.

D.American families are in deep sorrow when a loved one dies.E.After the ceremony, the family may keep the ashes in their home.

F.American families have several decisions to make when a loved one dies.

G.More families choose cremations due to environmental protection, though they are more expensive.