The government of Pontran claims that Tor City, one of the six major cities in that country, is alone among Pontran’s cities in having sustained p job growth this year. Clearly, however, any job growth there must be purely imaginary; in fact, in Tor City and only there, more people are unemployed this year than were last year. The argument countering the government’s claim depends on the assumption that
A.unemployed workers in Pontran did not, in significant numbers, move to Tot City when the government claimed Tor City had p job growth.
B.the unemployment rate in Tor City is higher year than in any previous year.
C.actions taken by the government of Pontran significantly affect the unemployment rate in Tor City.
D.the unemployment rate in Tor City, though increased, is still the lowest of any city in Pontran.
E.(E) there is no significant seasonal variation in the unemployment rate for Pontran as a whole.
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