(1)“硅谷”位于美国西部城市 东南部,是 工业发展的先驱和典范。
(2)刺激“硅谷”发展的主要因素有 ; ; ;
; 。
(3)高技术工业的主要特点有:工业规模多以 为主,产品更新换代速度
,研究费用 ,产品销售面向 。
(4)“硅谷”以 工业为主导,是 乃至世界电子工业的中心。
(5)20世纪70年代末,由于“硅谷”的 ,许多企业把新厂建到内地的 等州,以及 、 等地,以充分利用这些地区的 、 、 都很便宜的优势条件。
第五部分:补全对话(每题一分 共5分)
Jone: Do you mean to tell me you are not interested in spoken English?
Jack: ___61____
Jone: Why not?
Jack: ___62____
Jone: I’m sorry I can’t agree with you. Spoken English is very important if you want to really learn English well.
Jack: ___63____
Jone: Did you go to the English Corner last night?
Jack: ___64____
Jone: What a pity that you didn’t join them! Why don’t you start practicing it? If you keep on speaking English for some time, maybe you’ll change your mind. Why not try?
Jack: ___65____
A. I think it’s of no use.
B. Yes, I do.
C. No, I don’t think so.
D. Yes, but I didn’t speak a word.E. Well, I don’t see any point in quarrelling about this.
F. Yes, I tried my best to talk with others.
G. Maybe you are right and I’ll try tomorrow.