You are managing a project to develop a soy-based.lactose-free,magnesium-rich nutritional drink for the“over 50”market.You have recently heard that the client calls your progress reports the“Code of Hammurabi”because they seem to be written in hieroglyphics and are completely indecipherable to all but an Egyptologist.This situation could have been avoided by______.
A.informing the client at the start of the project of the types of reports they will receive
B.using risk management techniques to identify client issues
C.hiring an expert report writer to prepare standard reports
D.engaging in communications planning
解析: 你在管理一个项目,该项目开发一种以大豆为原料,不含乳糖,富含镁的高营养饮料,针对50岁以上的人群。你最近听说你的客户将你们的项目进度报告称为“汉谟拉比法典”,因为它们看起来像是用象形文字书写的,只有埃及古物学者才能读懂。这种情况可以通过以下哪种方法避免 A) 在项目开始的时候就通知客户报告将采用的形式。 B) 运用风险管理技术识别来自客户方面的风险。 C) 雇用一名专业报告撰写人员准备标准化的报告。 D) 编写沟通计划。 如何避免沟通方面的问题按照PMI的观点,自然是编写沟通计划。其他的都不全面、不准确。