问题 单项选择题

You are ready to enter a negotiating session with a group that is native to a tiny northern island.Through the centuries,islanders have been known as aggressive and assertive people who like to talk much more than they like to listen.And the windswept plain of this island,where only the p survive,has made these people tough negotiators.To earn your yearly bonus,you must not be at a disadvantage in your negotiations with them.Therefore,you must concentrate on______.

A.seating arrangements in the negotiating room

B.ingratiating yourself to the most powerful negotiator on the other side of the negotiating table to earn his or her trust

C.active listening

D.setting and following strict time limits at each step of the negotiating



解析: 你要与一群来自某个北方小岛的商人进行谈判。数个世纪以来,这个海岛的居民都以武断好斗而闻名于世,他们总是喜欢不停地说,而不愿意听别人讲。由于海岛常受大风的袭击,只有强者才能生存下来,这种生活环境也把他们造就成了强硬的谈判对手。为了得到年度分红,你在这场谈判中不能失败。因此,你必须把注意力放在______上。 A) 谈判房间的座位安排 B) 迎合坐在谈判桌对面的最强有力的谈判对手来赢得他的信任 C) 积极聆听 D) 为谈判进程的每个步骤设定严格的时间限制并遵守该限制 积极倾听是沟通的第一要义,无论何时都应如此。其他选项都不能保证谈判成功。
