问题 多项选择题








参考答案:A, D, E

单项选择题 案例分析题

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Recent polls show that the majority of Americans actually do believe that Sino-American relationship, bothpolitically and economically, is vitally important. Please allow me to offer some suggestions on what we can dotogether to cultivate our relationship, and to continue the progress of the last years so that we can work towardseducating our policymakers and citizens about the benefits of free trade to our economies. [TONE]∥[TONE]
First, we must seek out opportunities to continue the exchange of views between our two countries.We must encourage students to study abroad--here I must admit we have a much harder time to getAmericans to travel than our friends in China. We should also urge the exchanges of academics,scientists and artists. [TONE]//[TONE]
Second, we need more exchange of business leaders. I recall the Fortune Global Forum that was held inShanghai in 1999, where more than 800 representatives, including 300 Chairmen, presidents and CEOs fromthe world’s leading multinationals came to China to meet with over 200 Chinese entrepreneurs to exchangeopinions and share the experiences that affect their businesses. [TONE]∥[TONE]
Third, I would urge you to come to the United States to learn about the factors that shape Americanthinking and the formulation of its policies. Ask your friends and contacts to make introductions for you tomeet with business leaders and policymakers. [TONE]∥[TONE]
Fourth, explore opportunities to invest in the United States. American legislators respond to nothingmore than to their constituents. Many of you already have subsidiaries in the US Here, the Haier Groupcomes to mind. Haier has invested over $15 million in a building in New York and over $40 million inCamden, South Carolina, employing significant numbers of Americans. We need to work together tomake sure that policymakers understand that our bilateral trade relationship is beneficial to both of oureconomies. This is a pattern that the Japanese used in the 1970s and 1980s to develop markets as well asto exert influence. [TONE]∥[TONE]
Finally, we should work together to make the APEC viable again. We defined in 1994 that we would reach free trade among many APEC nations by the year 2005. We have lost momentum. China and the USshould work together to reinvigorate the APEC process. [TONE]∥[TONE]
Let me conclude by saying that Sino-American relations are the best they have ever been. We have beenable to collaborate on important political and security matters that are vital to the well-being of our peoples.Our economic interests are closely linked as well. China and the US both seek economic growth and stability.Although we may choose to pursue our interests through different policies, we strive to liberalize our marketsand provide businesses with transparent and predictable access for goods and services. [TONE]∥[TONE]
The stability of our relations is much like the stability of a three-legged stool. The legs consist ofstrategic, political, and economic relations. If anyone of the legs is either missing or weak, the stool isunstable and is in danger of collapsing. It is our responsibility to maintain the strength of these legs.[TONE]∥[TONE]