问题 单项选择题











Every August on the island of Heimaey, off the southern coast of Iceland, young people often take a walk along the streets throughout the night. What’s more, their parents allow them to    16   .Why? The children of Heimaey are going to  17  young puffins—small black-and-white seabirds.

The cliffs(悬崖)above the town are    18    to a large group of puffins. The birds dig holes all around the cliffs. These holes are their homes. Their    19   stay in the holes for about seven weeks. Then they begin to leave. Some move slowly on their    20    wings and feet down to the northern Atlantic Ocean that surrounds Heimaey.  21   , they swim, which they can do naturally, and learn to dive for fish.   22   , however, may lose their way at night and    23    themselves in the town instead. On the ground, the young seabirds are    24   . Because their wings are not fully developed, they cannot    25    quickly to sea and safely. The birds then become a good    26    for cats and other animals. For many years, islanders have    27    many young puffins. Early at night in late August, children    28    thick paper boxes and lights hurry to the seashore to catch puffins. They spend most of the night    29   after the birds. They put the birds they’ve caught in   30    and take good care of them. The next morning the children take the puffins to the ocean and set them    31   . The birds will live    32    until they are at least two years old. Then they will    33    to the cliffs to build homes of their own for their families.

34    the children of Heimaey always come to save puffins? “Yes,” answer the boys. “We look forward to it. The    35    time for us is setting the birds free.”

16. A. take a walk    B. stay out      C. come back      D. make friends

17. A. kill              B. watch         C. catch            D. save

18. A. home          B. close       C. dangerous      D. falling

19. A. brothers        B. friends           C. parents           D. young

20. A. undeveloped     B. strong        C. beautiful      D. ugly

21. A. However         B. There          C. Therefore    D. Again

22. A. These          B. Those          C. Others           D. Puffins

23. A. make               B. send          C. bring       D. find

24. A. at ease         B. in trouble    C. at rest        D. in safety

25. A. take off        B. give off      C. send off       D. run off

26. A. friend          B. toy          C. meal               D. game

27. A. caught         B. eaten      C. helped         D. observed

28. A. making          B. buying        C. tearing        D. carrying

29. A. running         B. walking       C. playing        D. flying

30. A. water         B. pockets      C. paper            D. boxes

31. A. off         B. free            C. out                 D. away

32. A. on land       B. at sea          C. in cliffs     D. in town

33. A. stick         B. devote            C. return    D. fall

34. A. Will          B. Man             C. Must           D. Did

35. A. first         B. last            C. next        D. best



材料二:2010年7月5日至6日,中 * * 、国务院召开西部大开发工作会议。会议指出,西部大开发在我国区域协调发展总体战略中居于优先地位。深入推进西部大开发,要认真贯彻落实好中央制定的各项政策措施。一是以培育特色优势产业为龙头,大力发展农牧业、现代工业和服务业,加快构建现代产业体系,使西部地区资源优势转变为经济优势。二是以保障和改善民生为出发点和落脚点,大力发展社会事业,促进西部人民群众共享改革开放成果。三是以改革开放为动力,充分发挥政府推动和市场机制两方面的作用,全面增强西部大开发活力。四是以生态建设和环境保护为基础,坚持开发和保护相互促进,全面增强可持续发展能力。五是以重要经济区为发展引擎,实行整体推进和重点突破相结合,提高西部大开发的综合效益。

