问题 多项选择题





解析:在高速公路上因故障停车,首先要开启危险报警闪光灯,若是夜间的话,还要开启示廓灯和后位灯让其他驾驶员知道车子的轮廓及位置情况。此外,还要在车后150米处设置警示标志。 因此本题选ACD。


Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and one of the largest free-standing mountains in the world, and some say, the most beautiful place on the earth!

The mountain towers 15,000 feet above the plains. Mount Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania and it covers an area of 60 miles long and 40 miles wide. Kilimanjaro is an extinct volcano(死火山), with 3 peaks. Kibo is the highest one in the center.

Because of Kilimanjaro’s great height, the mountain influences its own weather. Winds incoming from the Indian Ocean are stopped upward by the mountain and drop their moisture(湿气) as rain and snow. People have planted coffee, corn, and other crops on the lower slopes(斜坡).

Mount Kilimanjaro now attracts many thousands of walkers each year. Because of a temperature rise in recent years, the beautiful snow cap of Kilimanjaro is retreating(消退)fast. A research said that the white snow on the mountain might be gone in 15 years. What a pity!

小题1:The writer is worried about Mount Kilimanjaro’s ________.

A.great height

B.extinct volcano


D.white snow cap小题2:Mount Kilimanjaro is __________

A.the highest mountain in the world

B.an active volcano

C.a free-standing mountain

D.15,000 feet above the sea level小题3:The snow on the mountain comes from ________.

A.the Indian Ocean

B.the Pacific Ocean

C.the Atlantic Ocean

D.the Red Sea小题4:_________ influences the mountain’s own weather.

A.Rain and snow

B.Its great height


D.The moisture小题5: People should _______ to stop the mountain’s snow cap from melting.

A.save the water of the Indian Ocean

B.protect the environment

C.not visit Kilimanjaro

D.not plant crops on the mountain
