问题 单项选择题











材料一 “……前面我们已经看到,工人革命的第一步是使无产阶级转化成统治阶级,争得民主。……无产阶级将利用自己的政治统治,一步一步地夺取资产阶级的全部资本,把一切生产工具集中在国家即组织成为统治阶级的无产阶级手里,并且尽可能快地增加生产力的总量。” ——《 * * 党宣言》节选

(1)据材料一,《 * * 党宣言》指出无产阶级的历史任务是什么(不得照抄原文)?


材料二 “根据马克思、恩格斯的传统社会主义思想,列宁在战时 * * 主义政策时期坚持直接向社会主义过渡。…… 到1921年,列宁经过反思,认识到在一个小农占优势的国家里,不能直接过渡,而只能迂回过渡。……如果一个国家大工业占优势,或者即使不占优势,但是十分发达,而且农业中的大生产也很发达,那么直接向社会主义过渡是可能的。否则,就不可能。如果硬要过渡,只能碰得头破血流。”   ——《列宁晚年社会主义思想的三重涵义》



材料三 下图所示是美国《时代》杂志1985年某一期的封面。(杂志封面上的英文字为“CHINA Moving Away from Marx” ,翻译为“中国正在远离马克思”)

(3)你认为该期杂志封面上的“CHINA Moving Away from Marx” 的说法对吗?请结合史实谈谈你的看法。


(4)从马克思主义发展到列宁主义和邓 * * 理论看,你如何看待马克思主义对各国社会的指导作用?



It looks a bit like the coolers used to keep drinks fresh on asunny day but the cool box being tested in hot Mozambique serves a higher purpose –saving lives from malaria(疟疾).

The new cool box is intended to keep malaria medicines at 25 degrees Celsius(77 degrees Fahrenheir) or below in poor rural areas without electricity where the temperature can reach 45 degrees Celsius.

“At the beginning, the cool boxes will be used to store malarial drugs,” said Parfair Komlan Edah, advisor to John Snow Incorporated, a US company developing the coolers.

“We will change the treatment pattern and procedure because the drugs are expensive and they have to be well stored to be effective,” he said.

The projuct, funded by the US Agency for International Development , started in 2006 and is still at an expermental stage. The coolers are currently being tested in three regions of Mozambique –Maputo, Tete and Zambezia.

The tests will determine whether the coolers are adopted for use nationwide.

In Mozambique , malaria is the leading cause of death among children admitted to pediatric(儿科的) services and there has been an increase in cases of malaira in recent years.

Faced with the sudden increase in malaira, Mozambique’s health ministry last year decided to expand the use fo rapid diagnostic tests for the disease that can give a result within minutes.

The only trouble was that diagnostic tests have to be stored at the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius or below and are currently only available in provincial hospitals that have refrigeration facilities.

“The project was faced with the dilemma(进退两难的处境) of how to ensure quality products despite the hot, humid weather and lack of electricity common in remote health facilities,” Edah said.

The solution was to design”evaporative(蒸发的) coolers”—similar in size to a small refrigerator. The coolers have a water tank at the top that is regularly refilled. When water evaporates from the tank it passes aong wicks that stick out of the cooler, keeping the content s of the box cool/

In a message on World Malaria Day, the World Health Organization(WHO) stresed the importance of national malaira programmes.

Nelson Nkini, head of Proserv, a Mozambican non-governmental group supplying mosquito nets treated with anti-malarial substances, said preventing the disease was cheaper than curing it because of the cost of medicines.

60. If the cool boxes are used,_________.

A. medicines can be stored at any degree Celsius

B. malaria will disapear in Mozambique

C. malaria medicines will be used more effectively

D. the temperature will become lower in Mozambique

61. The situation in Mozambique is that__________.

A. the official department doesn’t know what mianly causes children’s death

B. the project funded by the US Agency for International Development is fighting against malaria.

C. the use of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria is being expanded inth whold country

D. diagnostic tests can be currently available in most rural hospitals.

62. Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. A project in Mozambique

B. Fighting against malaria

C. Preventing the spread of malaria

D. Super cooler gives hope for malaria victims