根据下列信息:以A flood hit Beijing为题写一篇洪水灾害的文章。
1. 时间:2012年7月21日下午1点左右;
2. 一场雷电交加的暴风雨袭击了北京;
3. 我和我的同班同学在学习DIY课程,老师叫我们尽快回家,我们合撑一把雨伞,雨不停地在我们周围下着,风从后面吹来,我们在风中丢失了雨伞,几乎摔倒;
4. 最后我们到达了我叔叔家,向窗外望去,多么可怕的洪水啊!它冲走了我们的小村庄和桥梁,房屋倒塌,至少79人死亡,许多人无处居住;
5. 灾后人们开始互救,中国政府也积极采取措施帮助处于困难中的人们。
A flood hit Beijing
A storm hit Beijing around 1:00 pm on July 21, 2012. My classmates and I were learning DIY course, and the teacher told us to go home as soon as possible. We held together an umbrella, but the rain kept going around us. Unluckily, we lost the umbrella in the wind, and both of us almost fell down; Finally we arrived at my uncle's house. What a terrible flood! It washed away small villages and bridges. Houses were collapsed, at least 79 people were killed and many people became homeless. People began to rebuild their homes, and the government has actively taken measures to help people in trouble.
When flood hits our city, we should follow the adults’ advice. Don’t run away or be scared. The electricity and gas should be cut off at once if the flood goes into your house. Keep calm. You can make a difference.
【亮点说明】这篇短文详细、全面地介绍了洪水袭击北京的基本情况,并包含了文中所要求的全部信息,并且表达出了自己的个人自救观点。其中使用了一些固定句式和短语,包含状语从句和感叹句的准确使用为文章增色不少.如became homeless,make a difference,What a terrible flood!The electricity and gas should be cut off at once if the flood goes into your house. 学习中再注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。