问题 单项选择题










     In order to be successful in middle school or high school in the U.S, it is important to follow the rules.

All schools have different rules,b ut many schools include the following rules.

     No T-shirts, sweatshirt, jackets or other clothes that contain advertisements for alcohol (酒精), tobacco

(烟草), or drugs. Also, students would probably not be allowed to wear clothes that have inappropriate (不

适合) designs, pictures, or words (e. g. swear words (骂人话), etc. )

     Shirts and blouse must be of a suitable length. Girls would not be allowed to wear skirts that are too short,

or tops that are too revealing (暴露的).

     Students must wear pants on their waist. Underwear must not be visible. No bare (赤裸的) feet. Straps

on dresses/tops must be at least 2 inches wide. Open-toed or platform shoes are often not recommended.

No beach sandals are allowed.

     Unusual hair colors or styles are usually not allowed.

1. Do schools in America have the same rules?


2. Can they wear all kinds of clothes?


3. What kind of shin wouldn't be allowed to wear? 


4. How wide is the straps on dresses? 


5. Can the students have unusual hair colors or styles? 


问答题 简答题