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材料一 佚名建筑师以精确的算术设计,建造了这座世界上最大的、重达625万吨的石块建筑物。这座陵墓总共用了200万块石头,其中的一些在原地采集,但大多数则从更远的尼罗河上游地区获取,趁洪水季节搬运到吉萨来。


材料二  1991年,埃及古物局的学者在胡夫金字塔东2.4公里发现了金字塔街,在其金字塔南数百米和大狮身人面像的东南,发现了金字塔建设者的墓。……1994年,美国筹备了一个基金会,恢复发掘这座消失了的城市。美国学者莱赫奈尔说,这座消失了的城市曾经居住过至少5万人,而或许多至10万人,其中包括建筑胡夫大金字塔的建筑家、工匠、面包师和普通劳动者。  


材料三 在考察金字塔的建造过程中,今天的人们往往不易想象当时的历史背景,社会、政治和经济条件,过多地拘泥于技术问题的探讨而忽视了古埃及人所具有的最伟大的力量。







When you stop smoking, you’re likely to feel tense, nervous, irritable, anxious — even eat more. You may think it’s purely psychological, but it’s also physical. It’s caused by your body craving nicotine — physically craving nicotine. And Habitrol can help relieve those cravings.
Habitrol is a nicotine patch, available only by prescription from your doctor. It replaces some of the nicotine you’re not getting from cigarettes and helps lessen the effects of your withdrawal symptoms. When used as part of a comprehensive behavioral smoking cessation program, Habitrol has been clinically proven to increase the chances of quitting smoking in the critical first three months. That’s when the nicotine withdrawal symptoms force many people back to smoking.
Remember how stressed out, anxious and burdensome you felt the last time you tried to quit And how you thought it was purely psychological and there was nothing that could help you Well, now you know it’s also physical and there is something that can help you. Habitrol.
Habitrol is a drug indicated as an aid to smoking cessation for the relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Its effectiveness has been established only as part of a comprehensive behavioral smoking cessation program. It won’t work for everyone. In studies during the first 3 months after quitting, Habitrol has been shown to increase the chances of stopping smoking. Long-term studies of Habitrol haven’t been conducted. It shouldn’t be used for more than 3 months.
Habitrol, like cigarettes, contains nicotine, so stop smoking completely before starting Habitrol. And do not smoke or use anything with nicotine while on it. If you’re pregnant or nursing (nicotine could cause fatal harm) or have heart disease, or other conditions, ask your doctor about other ways to stop smoking. If you’re taking prescription medicine or under a doctor’s care, ask your doctor about the potential risks of Habitrol. Habitrol hasn’t been studied in pregnant women or in patients under 18. Used and unused Habitrol systems should be kept out of the reach of children and pets.
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What is the function of Habitrol in quitting smoking