问题 单项选择题 A1型题









解析:胃主通降与脾主升清相对。胃主通降是指胃脏的气机宜通畅、下降的特性。"凡胃中腐熟水谷,其滓秽自胃之下口,传人于小肠上口"(《医学入门•脏腑》)。饮食物人胃,经过胃的腐熟,初步进行消化之后,必须下行入小肠,再经过小肠的分清泌浊,其浊者下移于大肠,然后变为大便排出体外,从而保证了胃肠虚实更替的状态。这是由胃气通畅下行作用而完成的。故曰:"水谷入口,则胃实而肠虚;食下,则肠实而胃虚"(《素问•五脏别论》)。"胃满则肠虚,肠满则胃虚,更虚更满,故气得上下"(《灵枢•平人绝谷》。)所以,胃贵乎通降,以下行为顺。中医的脏象学说以脾胃升降来概括整个消化系统的生理功能。胃的通降作用,还包括小肠将食物残渣下输于大肠和大肠传化糟粕的功能在内。脾宜升则健,胃宜降则和,脾升胃降,彼此协调,共同完成饮食物的消化吸收。 胃之通降是降浊,降浊是受纳的前提条件。所以,胃失通降,可以出现纳呆脘闷、胃脘胀满或疼痛、大便秘结等胃失和降之证,或恶心、呕吐、呃逆、嗳气等胃气上逆之候。脾胃居中,为人体气机升降的枢纽。所以,胃气不降,不仅直接导致中焦不和,影响六腑的通降,甚至影响全身的气机升降,从而出现各种病理变化。


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


Last fall,before Thanksgiving,I was making my way in my car out of the shopping center parking lot.I was bored in the car. I   36   a woman heavily loaded with    37   and her two boys ,one carrying a pumpkin and the other another bag.

They were headed , I     38   , to the bus stop across the major road.     39   it was too far to walk with all those    40  to any of the nearby bus stops ,on a random impulse(冲动),I rolled down my window and asked if they were indeed headed to the    41   . “Yes,” the mother   42   . I asked , “Would you like a    43  ? “Oh , yes!”  was their   44  reaction.

I was also delighted,and,after driving out of the way of other   45  , I stopped and the boys piled into the back seat . The mother started to push   46  beside them. I   47   her by saying, “Oh ,you come on up here  48   me. I’m not a taxi driver!” So off we went.

Right away , I decided to take them a mile and a half to their home , since I had  49  and they had bags. All the way , I had just a fine time listening and talking with all of them. It felt so good to be able to do this little   50   and showed that with such a small  51   I could make a big difference to a tired mother . I’m not sure   52  got the most out of it.

53   , this was special for me  54  , as a disabled person ,I often receive help and now I know how especially good it feel to be   55   .

36.A.noticed        B.asked     C.helped          D.thanked

37.A.baskets        B.cases     C.bags            D.bottles

38.A.advised        B.thought    C.hoped          D.wondered

39.A.Since              B.Although  C.While          D.If

40.A.vehicles       B.distances   C.directions        D.purchases

41.A.shop         B.bus stop   C.parking lot      D.hotel

42.A.commented      B.promised C.regretted      D.responded

43.A.drink         B.try       C.ride          D.break

44.A.shocked       B.surprised C.excited         D.mixed

45.A.traffic         B.streets      C.signals         D.stops

46.A.along          B.off      C.on            D.in

47.A.urged         B.comforted C.stopped        D.stressed

48.A.with           B.by       C.for           D.to

49.A.money        B.plans       C.time                D.duty

50.A.work          B.trip      C.business       D.task

51.A.attention     B.idea     C.anxiety        D.effort

52.A.where         B.who     C.whether       D.when

53.A.By the way     B.In other words        C.After a11  D.Generally speaking

54.A.however     B.so        C.or             D.because

55.A.useful          B.thankful   C.special          D.healthy

问答题 论述题