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患者女,67岁。大便呈扁状,进行性加重8个月,现出现大便排出困难,无疼痛,无血便。B超提示盆腔肿瘤。术中见盆腔腹膜外、直肠与 * * 壁之间10cm×8cm肿块,包膜完整,与直肠有粘连,包膜内有渗出液。病理大体所见:碎组织,大者6cm×4cm×4cm,切面灰黄色,质地均匀,鱼肉样,质地软,有出血。镜下肿瘤主要由梭形细胞组成,部分肿瘤细胞呈编织状排列,细胞核杆状,胞质红染,核周有空泡,部分细胞围绕血管呈放射状排列,围绕血管的肿瘤细胞呈透明状。病理性核分裂象可见,核分裂象>5/50HPF。免疫组化CD117强阳性,CD34弱阳性,S-100阴性,SM-actin阴性。











Heavy downpours last month in Rhode Island led to widespread flooding, causing millions of dollars in property damage and leaving thousands homeless. The flood waters also poured vast amounts of raw sewage(未经净化的污水) into the rivers and streams that flow into Narragansett Bay.

It sounds like the makings of an environmental nightmare. But in fact it’s just the opposite. To scientists’ delight. The sewage-loaded floodwaters have caused a well-timed growth of phytoplankton. The microscopic creatures that form the foundation of marine(海洋的) food chains. With more food available for fish. Clams and other sea creatures. The bay’s fisheries industry is expected to benefit.

In decades past. Narragansett Bay typically experienced a late winter early spring algal(海藻) bloom that fed creatures up and down the water column. But in recent years, the waters of Narragansen Bay warmed greatly, meriting this seasonal event.

Mark Berman, an oceanographer with the Nationa. Marine Fishertes Service. Said the flood seemed to have sent the bay back in its normal state.

However, local, mutate and federal officials in Rhode Island leave been batting other algal blooms that, by contrast, are causing widespread harm to the Narragansett Bay ecosystem. During summer months, sewage and agricultural runnel flows into the bay. Causing large blooms. But inseam of becoming food for sea creatures, much of the phytoplankton is consumed by bacteria, which grow last in the warmer waters. The rapid bacteria growth leads to hypoxia decrease of oxygen in the water that can cause large fish tools. One such die-off occurred in 2003. when millions of oxygen-starved fish washed up on the belches of Narragansett Bay.

The flood’s positive impact will probably be a one-time event, Mr Berman said. Mcanwhile efforts to curb the harmhl summer honors continue; in 2003. for instance, Providence completed a $359 million sewage tonal under the city designated to reduce the polluted storm overflow into Narragansett Bay.

71.Scientists believe that the row sewage flowing into the bay will           .

A.pollute the island’s environ mean   B.cause lots of property damage

C.increase the fisheries production     D.destroy the food chains in the bay

72.The potential benefit of fisherics industry rclics on the           .

A.warm temperatures of the bay.       B.growth of phytoplankton

C.large summer alga blooms      D.consumption of oxygen by beaters

73.People struggle against the summer blooms because they will          .

A.pollute the local natural environment

B.increase the prcducmon of fishery industry

C.cause large fish kills of the bay indirectly

D.provide too much food ior sea creatures

74.It can be inferred that         .

A.money spent on the summer blooms has been wasted

B.the government is inverting to promote the local fisheries

C.research of accanology should he encouraged

D.she raw sewage impacts are currently con radiator

75.The underlined word “carb” n the hast postage can be defined as “          ”.

A.control     B.consume   C.cause D.cure