问题 单项选择题 A3/A4型题

经产妇,孕36周,先兆子痫,单胎头位,合并右卵巢囊肿,入院时曾有外伤史,宫颈Bishop评分3分。给予米索前列醇50μg * * 放置引产,间隔6小时,再次 * * 放入米索前列醇。产妇自述下腹绞痛,宫缩1~2分钟1次,持续50~60秒,强度(+), * * 出血较多,色鲜红,宫口开大1cm。半小时后,产妇突然自述下腹剧痛,随即面色苍白,大汗淋漓,血压50/30mmHg,心率140次/分,弱,宫口全开,胎心无



B. * * 检查







B The Culture Debate in the US:Whose Culture Is This ,Anyway 美国的文化辩论:空间是谁的文化?
Part of the debate about culture revolves around issues of perspective and ownership. Within a nation such (1) the United States—a nation whose cultural heritage includes elements from every corner of the world (2) are a great many perspectives coexisting and intertwining in the cultural fabriC.When we all ask (3) as individuals, "what belongs to me, to my culture " we are rewarded with a spectacular variety of (4) ; in this way, different perspectives and ownership of different cultural traditions enriches everyone. But when we ask " (5) belongs to us, to our culture " we ask a much harder question. Do the people of the (6) States, or of any culturally complex human society, necessarily share common cultural elements If so, who gets (7) decide what those elements are
This debate is a crucial one in many cultures throughout the world (8) . In the US, the debate promises to impact the way we educate our children—that is, (9) manner and shape in which culture reproduces itself—and the way we write our laws. In (10) countries, equally crucial issues are at stake.
For many people, what is at stake is the character (11) US national identity. Hirsch argues that this identity needs to become less culturally fragmented; others, like Walker, (12) that the national character gets its strength from cultural diversity, from the freedom (at home and in (13) ) to celebrate, honor, and reproduce different cultural traditions. Those who take this latter view follow the reasoning (14) Shweder, arguing that we need to accept that there are multiple valid cultural perspectives and that two (15) perspectives can both be valid even though they might contradict one another.
Recognize that the position you (16) in this debate about culture—whatever position you take—is a political one with implications (17) what we should value, what we should praise, what we should accept, what we should teach. When (18) reflect on this debate, when you contribute your own voice to the discussion, try to be (19) of the implications that follow from your position. When you listen to the voices of others, try to (20) with awareness, deciding for yourself what is at stake and how their positions relate to your own.