问题 选择题

下面说法不正确的是[ ]

A.  经纬线是地球表面本身具有的线

B.  赤道长度和任意一条经线圈的长度几乎相等

C.  以赤道为界,北纬和南纬的度数分别向北、向南愈来愈大

D.  当经度向东增加时,其经度所在的范围是东经范围






    We ask you to keep what you bring with you down to one mediumsized suitcase per person on board

the bus.

    Seat Arrangements (安排)

    Special needs for particular seats can be made on most bus breaks when booking, but since

arrangements are made on a firstcomefirstserved basis, early booking is advisable. When bookings are

made with us, you will be offered the best seats we have on the bus at that time.

    Travel Documents

    When you have paid your deposit (订金), we will send you all the necessary documents, so that you

receive them in good time before the bus break departure (出发) date. Certain documents, for example,

air or boat tickets, may have to be kept and your driver or guide will then give them to you at the proper


    Special Diets

    If you need a special diet, you must tell us at the time of booking and provide us with a copy of the

diet. This will be passed on to the hotel or hotels on your bus break. However, on certain bus breaks,

the hotels used are tourist class and they may not be able to prepare special diets. Any extra costs must

be paid to the hotel yourself before leaving the hotel.


    Some of our hotels arrange extra programs which include music, dancing and film shows, etc. They

are all offered by the hotel, but not guaranteed (保证).

1. If you  want to sit in  the front  of the  bus,  you'd better_______.

A. say it when you get on the bus

B. arrive early on the departure date

C. book your seat ahead of time

D. avoid traveling at busy times

2. Your air tickets ________.

A. will be sent to you at your departure point

B. will be kept by yourself

C. will be given to you with other documents

D. may be held by your bus driver until you need them

3. If you need a special diet, you should ________.

A. tell the hotel when you arrive

B. pay extra money

C. tell the bus company when booking

D. book a tourist class hotel

4. Extra programs are ________.

A. offered by the bus company

B. offered by the hotel, but may not run

C. offered by the hotel at any time

D. an extra offer, so extra money must be paid
