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     Just over a year ago, life as an orphan (孤儿) girl in Tilinanu, southern Malawi, was uncertain. Relying

on the kindness of the poor villagers for a roof over their head, many had to sleep in a room that held as

many as fifteen people, eating a diet mainly of porridge. Their classroom for daily lessons was an open

space in the bush.

     Now 34 of them have comfortable beds in a smart new home, with a community hall and medical

centre next to it. Another 175 village children eat there daily, with the adults coming in to learn English; it's an amazing transformation. Even more amazing is that the person behind it is just 21.

     When Alice Pulford was waiting to get into university, she took a five-month teaching position in

Malawi. She loved the place, and returned in the spring of 2009 to visit her friend Zulu in Tilinanu. His

aunt Mercy owned land there and was doing her best to provide an education for the orphans, many of

whom had lost parents to AIDS or malaria (疟疾).

     But after helping Mercy out for some time, Alice realised that what the girls in particular really needed was a safe and permanent place to live. There was a derelict (年久失修的) church on Mercy's land.

"If you give me the church, I'll set up a home for these children," Alice told her.Mercy agreed.

     Alice phoned home and told her family about her plan. The family had already helped Alice raise £

1,800 to assist the orphans. After they received Alice's call, they threw themselves into raising another £6,000, organising theatre trips and special parties and dinners.

     Alice found Malawian builders, selected materials and even helped with the brick-laying. In ten

weeks, the church became a dormitory with toilets and a living area. In spring last year, Alice raised

another £19,000 to build the medical centre and two new dormitories.

     The girls are happier-and so is Alice, who has been spending around four months in Malawi a year.

"The orphans think they're gaining from me, but when I see their smile, it transforms me," she says.

1. Over a year ago, the orphans didn't have _______.

A. a classroom   

B. a teacher    

C. shelter    

D. food

2.What is known about the home Alice has built for the orphans?

A. It looks like a community hall.

B. It depends on the villagers' help.

C. It provides a place for recreation.

D. It benefits both the children and adults.

3. The  Pulfords' family are _______.

A. short of money                

B. fond of entertainments

C. supportive of each other        

D. unaware of Alice's plan

4.What has Alice learned from her experience? 

A. Money-raising is a family business.

B. Winning orphans' smile calls for skills.

C. AIDS has made many children parentless.

D. Helping others brings changes in a person.
