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1.概念新鲜尿液离心沉淀(18000r/min,5分钟)后,光镜下每高倍视野红细胞数目3个以上,称为血尿。尿色正常的称为显微镜血尿;尿呈洗肉水样或红色,称为肉眼血尿。2.病因(1)泌尿系统疾病如肾炎、结石、结核、肿瘤、血管畸形等。(2)全身性疾病如血液病(血小板减少性紫癜、血友病等)、风湿病(系统性红斑狼疮、血管炎等)、感染性疾病(感染性心内膜炎、流行性出血热等)。(3)尿路临近器官疾病如前列腺炎、阑尾炎等。(4)药物与化学因素如环磷酰胺、磺胺、抗凝药等。3.临床特点相差显微镜下,肾小球源性血尿以异常形态红细胞为主,非肾小球源性血尿以正常形态红细胞为主。尿三杯试验可以区分血尿的来源, * * 病变第一杯阳性;膀胱颈部或后 * * 病变第三杯阳性;上尿路或膀胱病变三杯均阳性。4.伴随症状(1)肾绞痛多见于肾、输尿管结石。(2)尿痛及尿流中断提示膀胱或 * * 结石。(3)膀胱刺激征泌尿系统感染( * * 炎、膀胱炎或肾盂肾炎)。(4)水肿多见于肾炎。(5)皮肤黏膜出血见于血液病。


Holidays are special times of (1) from work and other routines. Holidays are often times for celebration, (2) , eating, drinking, travel, and family (3) . In most cultures the scheduling of holidays originally was related to the (4) , the (5) cycle, and (6) . Christmas, December 25, celebrates the (7) of Jesus, but it is not actually known whether Jesus was (8) in the wintertime Over the years Christmas has come to symbolize goodwill and (9) for both Christians and non-Christians, and the (10) of Christmas threatens to replace generosity with greed. Other important holidays in America are Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools’ Day, and (11) . On Valentine’s Day, people give cards, chocolates, flowers, and kisses to their (12) and sweethearts. During Easter Week in late March or early April, Christians remember the death and (13) of Jesus. Although not actually a holiday and has no religious (14) , April Fools’ Day, celebrated on April 1, is a day when people play embarrassing (15) on their fiends and (16) and even on their teachers. In (17) , Labor Day is celebrated on May 1, whereas in (18) and the United States, labor and laborers are honored by a (19) holiday on the first (20) in September.

Holidays are special times of (1) from work and other routines. Holidays are often times for celebration, (2) , eating, drinking, travel, and family (3) . In most cultures the scheduling of holidays originally was related to the (4) , the (5) cycle, and (6) . Christmas, December 25, celebrates the (7) of Jesus, but it is not actually known whether Jesus was (8) in the wintertime Over the years Christmas has come to symbolize goodwill and (9) for both Christians and non-Christians, and the (10) of Christmas threatens to replace generosity with greed. Other important holidays in America are Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools’ Day, and (11) . On Valentine’s Day, people give cards, chocolates, flowers, and kisses to their (12) and sweethearts. During Easter Week in late March or early April, Christians remember the death and (13) of Jesus. Although not actually a holiday and has no religious (14) , April Fools’ Day, celebrated on April 1, is a day when people play embarrassing (15) on their fiends and (16) and even on their teachers. In (17) , Labor Day is celebrated on May 1, whereas in (18) and the United States, labor and laborers are honored by a (19) holiday on the first (20) in September.