问题 材料题


材料一  很多人认为,这场战争标志着中国社会向近代。社会的转型,我则认为,中国传统社会向近代文明的转型,在明中后期就已经开始。         ——裴钰《改变中国》

材料二 19世纪末到20世纪前半叶,中国的近代企业呈现出沿着纺织、缫丝、面粉为中心的民间轻工业,军需工业、船舶修造、机械工业等政府主导的重工业两个方向皇展,与此同时,在上海和东北等地设立的外国企业,在向中国引进技术方面来说也发挥了特殊的作用和具有特殊的意义。     ——朱荫贵(《日本学术界对中国近代经济史研究的两个新动向》 

材料三  新文化运动的倡导者们认为,中国所以危亡,民主和科学所以不能实现,是由于封建伦理道德的严重束缚所致。陈独秀尖锐地指出:孔子学说为代表的封建伦理道德,阻碍了中国人民觉醒和社会进步。李大钊发表文章指出,孔子是“数千年之残骸枯骨”“历代帝王专制之护符”“保护君主政治之偶像”,……对于不合时宜的旧道德,“虽冒毁圣非法之名,亦所不恤矣”。     ——马尚斌等编《中国近代史教程》

材料四  这三十年来,有一个名词在国内几乎做到了无上尊严的地位;无论懂与不懂的人,无论守旧与维新的人,都不公然对它表示轻视或戏侮的态度.那个名词就是“科学”。——胡适《(科学与人生观)序》(1923年)















       Recently, scientists have developed a wireless brainmachine interface that help restore
communication to people who can no longer speak by reading brainwaves using electrodes
(电极) stuck on their heads. Unfortunately, these have proved very slow, at roughly one
word typed per minute, making normal conversations and social interactions virtually impossible.
      Scientist Frank Guenther and his colleagues reveal a brainmachine interface that uses
electrodes implanted directly into the brain for research into real time speech.
      "It should soon be possible for extremely paralysed individuals who are incapable of
speaking to produce speech through a laptop computer, " said Guenther.
      The scientists worked with a 26-year- old male volunteer who experience near-total
paralysis due to a stroke he suffered when he was 16. They implanted an electrode that had
two wires into a part of the brain that help plan and execute movements related to speech. The
electrode recorded brain signals when the volunteer attempted to talk and the wires spread them
across the scalp(头皮)to help drive a speech synthesizer (合成器). The delay between brain
activity and sound output was just 50 milliseconds on average, roughly the same with regular speech.
      "He was quite excited, particularly on the first few days we used the system, as he got used to
its properties, " Guenther recalled." I am sure the work proceeds slowly from his perspective, as it
does from ours.   Nonetheless, he was very excited about getting real-time audio feedback of his
intended speech and happy to work very hard with us throughout the experiments."
      "The current system uses data from just two wires. Within a year it will be possible to implant a
system with 16 times as many." Guenther said." This will allow us to tap into neurons(神经元),which
in the end means better control over a synthesizer and thus better speech."
1.In the study of Guenther, electrodes are _______.
A..fixed on the heads
B. put into the heads
C. tied to the heads
D. separated from the heads
2.The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 4 refers to _______.
B. wires  
C. brain signals
D. Scientists
3. What might be the best title for the passage?
A. Wireless Device Are Used to Read Words in the Brain.
B. New Equipment Helps you read others' mind.
C. Virtual tongue can make you speak fluently.
D. It is no secret what you are thinking in mind.