问题 单项选择题









    1. I love bridges! Walking across a large river, a busy road or over a railway line is very exciting for me.

Sometimes, if the bridge is very high, I feel like I'm flying. If the bridge is very long, I think there may be a

problem arriving at the other side. If the bridge is very narrow, I think it may break! When I travel I like to

cross bridges. In the USA I crossed the Golden Gate, in Australia I crossed the Sydney Harbour Bridge and

when I was in Thailand I crossed the Friendship Bridge to Laos.

    2. Luckily I live in London and there are many bridges here. I live near Chelsea Bridge. So you can imagine

how excited I was to hear that there was a new bridge to celebrate the millennium (太平盛世). A new bridge

in London! The first new pedestrian bridge! A bridge just for people, so no cars, trains or pollution. 

     (Excitement about a new bridge) Every weekend I went to see the building of the bridge. It was great

to see it changing and growing. Then at last it was finished and it looked beautiful. It runs from St Paul's

Cathedral to Southwark, it is long and wide. 

     3. I was really happy that day the bridge opened. I went with my friend Janice and we waited with all the

other people who wanted to cross the bridge too. Everyone was very happy and talking about the bridge. The

mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, said:"It will be so good to actually walk across the river peacefully,

without cars and trains thundering by." 

     4. Then, at last, we walked across the bridge! We walked slowly and looked down at the river below. I

was very excited. Then I could feel the bridge move a little. It moved to the left and then it moved to the right.

Then it moved again to the left and to the right again. I wasn't excited now, I was a little afraid. The other

people stopped talking and looked at each other. The bridge was swinging to the left and right! I was very

happy to arrive at the other side of the river without a problem. 

     5. The next day the bridge was closed and it had a new name: not the Millennium Bridge but the Wobbly

(摇摆) Bridge! The architect said there was not a problem: the bridge is designed to move. So the bridge was

reopened again later. It is now my favorite bridge in London and I try and cross it as many times as possible.

A. The building of the new bridge

B. Moving bridge finally won my love

C. Opening of the new bridge

D. Special feeling about brdges

E. Everybody loved the bridge

F. Walking across the new bridge
