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材料一 据《唐律疏议》卷一“十恶”条一曰谋反(谓谋危社穰);二曰谋大逆(谓谋毁宗庙、 山陵及宫阙);三曰谋叛(谓谋背国从伪)……“诸谋 反及大逆者皆斩”。 



材料二  第8条所有法国人都享有民事权利。 第537条除法律规定的限制外,私人得自由处分属于其所有的财产。 第1134条依法成立的契约,在缔结契约当事人间有相当于法律的效力。前项契约, 仅得依当事人相互的同意或法律规定的原因取消之。一一《拿破仑法典》

(2)材料二体 现了《拿破仑法典》的哪些基本原则? 该法典有何影响? 


材料三  民国(国)初颁布了《商人通例》、《公司条例》、《证券交易所法》等法规,涉及生产、 交换、分配、消费和政府管理等领域。在全国工商会议上,工商界代表对 公司注册章程、 商标法、商会法等提出了许多建议和要求,工(农)商部在制订相关法规,时均有所采纳, 并在参考西方有关法规的基础上,较多地注意了本国状况。一一摘编自《民国初期的经济法制建设》 

(3)归纳材料三所反映的民国初期经济立法的特点, 指出其历史作用。





Motivation is "the driving force within individuals that impels them to action." And goals are the sought-after results_____(1) motivated behavior.Motivation can be either positive or negative_____(2) direction. We may feel a driving force toward some object or condition, _____(3) a driving force away from some object or condition. For example, a person may be impelled toward a restaurant to fulfill a need, hunger, and away_____(4) an airplane to fulfill a need of safety. Some psychologists refer to positive drives_____(5) needs, wants or desires,_____(6) negative drives as fears or aversions._____ (7), though negative and positive motivational forces seem to differ dramatically_____(8) terms of physical and sometimes emotional activity, they are basically similar in_____(9) they both serve to initiate and sustain human behavior.____(10) this reason, researchers often refer _____(11) both kinds of drives or motives as needs, wants and desires.Goals, _____(12), can be either positive or negative. A positive goal is one toward_____ (13) behavior is directed and it is often referred to as an approach object. A negative goal is _____(14) from which behavior is directed away and it is sometimes referred to as an avoidance object. Since both approach and avoidance goals can be considered objectives of motivated behavior, most researchers refer to_____(15) types simply as goals. Consider this example. A middle-aged woman may wish to remain_____(16) attractive as possible. Her positive goal is to appear desirable, and_____(17) she may use a perfume advertised to make her irresistible. A negative goal may be to prevent her skin_____(18) aging, and therefore she may buy and use face creams._____(19) the former case, she uses perfume to help her achieve her positive goal — attractiveness; in the____(20) case, she uses face creams to help avoid a negative goal — wrinkled skin.