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var TextInput = new Object(); // 存放消息的数组
TextInput[0] = “中科院发表全基因纠测序论文”;
TextInput[1] = “未来两天中东部地区各有降水,局部地区大幅降温”;
TextInput[2] = “俄一直升机执行任务时坠毁,机上12人可能全遇难”;
TextInput[3] = “美国宇航局:哥伦比亚号解体在返航时已经注定”;
TextInput[4] = “统计显示Google取代雅虎成为最大搜索服务网站”;
TextInput[5] = “挑战极限自然条件,联想昭阳勇攀珠峰!”;
TextInput[6] = “第一攻击手刘昌赫再试牛刀,力压李世右”;
TextInput[7] = “姚明击败奥尼尔大威,美刊非白人体育人士列第一”;
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function teletype()
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function rollMessage() // 从待显示的消息中提取前i 个字符返回给teletype()显示
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if (i >= HotText.length + 1)

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Text = HotText.substring(0,i);
return (Text);
<p align=”center”>电子公告栏</p>
<-- 中间省略网页结构性文档 -->
<input TYPE=”text” value=”共8条” SIZE=”5” name=”1”>
<input TYPE=”button” VALUE=”下一条” onClick=”   (5)   ”>

     Learning science in the classroom by reading textbooks can be really difficult and boring.     1      
You can learn science with games and experiments. 
     Play a game with friends to see whose balloon(气球)will stick to the wall for the longest period of time
before falling to the floor.    2     This static electricity is generated by rubbing a balloon against your
clothing. It becomes a lot of fun when you are competing against several other people to see whose
balloon sticks the longest.
          3   Closing your eyes and try to see if you can recognize juices, fruits and vegetables. This
experiment becomes a real challenge when you are competing against others to see if you can do better
than them.
      Parents and teachers are always looking for ways to keep children away from the TV set.    4    
And children will learn a scientific fact in each game.
A teacher said, " I wish all of my students would participate in these contests with their friends. They
really enjoy the challenge and they all seem to learn so much quickly and easily. " A parent said," I can
feel the excitement every time they play these games.      5        ."

A. But it doesn't have to be that way.
B. However, it's more import to keep safe.
C. You can learn about your sense of touch, taste and smell.
D. Through this you can learn the science of static electricity(静电).
E. Therse're a lot more ways for students to learn about science.
F. They are happy and at the same time they learn a lot about science.
G. These experiments and challenges are much more fun than anything on TV.