问题 单项选择题











Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the in formation given in the

passage and the required words limit.

     A few hardcore ski bums might have awakened Tuesday morning and blinked their eyes in disbelief,

but Clear Creek County, Colorado, where I live, ranks first in the U.S. for longevity (长寿), according to

a Harvard School of Public Health study appearing in the Sept 12 issue of Public Library of science


     In fact, seven Colorado counties are the top seven ranked counties in the nation, all with a life expectancy

of 81.3 years. And it hardly seems coincidental that all seven-Clear Creek, Eagle, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson,

Park and Summit-lie either on, near or neighbouring the Continental Divide and amazing beautiful.

     Dr. Ned Calonge of the State Health Department said there's nothing magical about high-country air. He

thinks the longevity results are because Colorado residents have active lifestyle, low smoking rates and the

lowest-in-the-nation numbers for obesity (超重).


     But I'd beg to differ on the "nothing magical" part. How can you taste water just five miles from its

snowfield source-before any treated waste comes close to touching it-and not boom, even if just a little?

Studies have shown that prisoners and hospital patients do better if they have at least visual access to the

natural world.

     Nature doesn't heal everyone, of course. There are tourists come to Colorado's high country and end

up with blinding headaches and debilitating nausea (恶心) from the altitude. There are locals who, reaching

a certain age, ran away with their oxygen bottles to Denver.

     But among those who stay, there's at least one constant: even in their old age, people remain full of life.

The question is why?

     It could be the space. In Clear Creek County, there are 184 191 acres of public land, which means

approximately 19.75 acres of national forest for each of our 9 322 residents. You don't spend a lot of time

waiting in lines.  

     Or is it the entertainment? Of the top seven counties, only Gilpin has a state park, portions of two national

forests, and no supermarket at all. One thing is certain: money doesn't buy old age. In Jackson County,

which has a population of just 1 454, the median household income is only $31 821, that's much less than

the national average of $41 994.

1. Which county in the U.S. does the author come from? (No more than 2 words)


2. Accord rg to Dr Ned Calonge, how many factors ontribute to the long life expectancy (No more than l word)


3. In the writer's opinion,what other factors contribute to the long life expectancy? (No more than 6 words)


4. What are the disadvantages of living in Colorado's high country? (No more than 5 words)

