问题 单项选择题 B型题









解析:1.输入袢慢性不完全性梗阻的诊断依据是餐后不久出现喷射性呕吐,呕吐物为不含食物的胆汁。主要原因是输入袢排空不畅,胆汁、胰液、十二指肠液等滞留在输入袢内,进食后这些分泌明显增加,使肠腔内压力明显增高,刺激肠壁强力收缩,克服梗阻,大量胆汁液体进入胃内,因胃容积小而又来不及从输出袢空肠口排出,所以出现大量喷射性呕吐胆汁。 2.输出袢空肠梗阻,胆汁、胰液、十二指肠液等进入胃内而不能经输出袢排出,临床表现为呕吐物含大量胆汁。 3.急性完全性输入袢梗阻,胆汁与消化液不能进入胃,完全积聚在输入袢,引起右上腹疼痛,并刺激引起频繁呕吐,因胃内容物少,故呕吐量不大。



     Generally there are two ways to name typhoons;the number-based method and the

list-based method. Following the number-based method,typhoons are coded with various

types of numbers such as a 4-digit or a 6-digit code. For example,the 14th typhoon in

2003 can be labeled either as Typhoon 0314 or Typhoon 200314. The disadvantage of

this method,however,is that a number is hard to remember. The list-based method,on the

other hand,is based on the list of typhoon names chosen in advance by a committee,and is

more widely used.

     At the very beginning, only female names were used because at that time typhoons were

named after girlfriends of wives of the experts on the committee. In 1979,however,male names

were also included because women protested against the original naming practice for reasons

of gender(性别)equality.

     In Asia,Western names were need until 2000 when the committee decided to use Asian

names to raise Asians' awareness of typhoons. The names were chosen from a name pool

consisting of 140 names,10 each from the 14 members of the committee. Each country has its

unique naming preferences. Korea and Japan favor animal names and China likes names of gods

such as Longwang(dragon king)and Fengshen(god of the wind).

     After the 140 names are all used in order,they will be recycled. But the names can be changed.

If a member country suffers great damage from a certain typhoon,it can request that the name of

the typhoon be deleted from the list at the annual committee meeting. For example,the names of

Nabi by South Korea,and Longwang by China were replaced with other names in 2007. The

deletion of both names was due to the severs damage caused by the typhoons bearing the names.

1. With the number-based method,the 3rd typhoon in 2012 can be named        .

A. Typhoon 0314

B. Typhoon 0312

C. Typhoon 201214

D. Typhoon 1203

2. In 1979 male names began to be used for typhoons because          .

A. men thought it was their right

B. female names are hard to remember

C. women thought it unequal to use only female names

D. the experts preferred to have more variety

3. There are            Chinese names in the name pool for typhoons.

A. 2

B. 10

C. 14

D. 140

4. Which of the following Chinese names is most likely to be on the name list now?

A. Longwang

B. Fengshen

C. Daxiang(elephant)  

D. Mayi(ant)

5. This passage is mainly about           .

A. how typhoons are named

B. Why to name typhoons

C. the history of typhoons

D. equality between men and women
