" It's the first day of winter," Tom said. " I wish (希望) I could make a snowman." " Sorry, there's no
snow " Mum said, " but you can play on the beach." Looking outside the window, Tom had a good idea." I
don't need snow." " How will you make a snowman without snow? " Mum asked.
" You'll see." Tom said and went out.
On the beach, he made a big sandball (沙球), and he put a smaller sandball on the top of the big one. Then
he added (加上) two wooden (木质的) arms, and a pair of glasses. At last he put a hat on the top." A sandman(沙子人)! " Mum said, " It's great! "
1. What was the season?[ ]
A. It was summer.
B. It was winter.
2. What did Tom wish to make? [ ]
A. A sandman
B. A snowman
3. How many sandballs did Tom make?[ ]
A. one
B. two
4. What was on the top of the sandman?[ ]
A. A hat
B. A pair of glasses
5. Did Mum like Tom's sandman?[ ]
A. Yes
B. No