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You probably know that you can lose weight by limiting certain foods. But if you're an emotional eater, you'll still turn to food if you don't deal with your feelings. Basically, emotional eating is eating for reasons other than hunger.In other words, rather than reach for food because your body needs it, you are addicted because your emotions need to be satisfied. Instead of the gradual urge you get when you're physically hungry, emotional eating strikes you suddenly.Instead of filling the emotional empty space with healthy choices, emotional eaters use food for comfort, ice cream or chocolate for women and steak and French fries for men. Besides blowing up your stomach, emotional eating does harm to your mind. When you eat for physical reasons you don't feel guilty.But when you grab for food when you're not even hungry, just because you're feeding your emotions, you feel guilty afterward. A good rule of thumb when you're lured(诱惑)into emotional eating is to remember to HALT. "H" is for hungry-Sometimes you can feel physical hunger when you're on the point of an emotional eating.But rather than reaching for those comfort foods loaded with fats, and sugar, make better choices such as proteins, fruits and vegetables. "A" is for anxious-It's easy to fall into emotional eating when you're worried and tense. Rather than turning to food, do whatever work to calm your nerves.Call a friend, pray, or keep a record of your feelings.Just don't reach into the fridge. "L" is for lonely-Too often emotional eaters use food for companionship.Instead of comforting yourself with food, join a group of caring people who understand your problem. Twelvestep groups such as Overeaters Anonymous are excellent for connecting with others who struggle with you the same food addictions as you do.Not only will you receive tools for recovery, but you'll also realize you're not alone. "T" is for tired-When exhausted, either physically or emotionally, emotional eaters turn to food. Instead, get some rest or eat something good for you. Most importantly, find out the reason(s) why you overeat.It's not so much what you eat, but what's eating you.Unless you get to the root of why you overeat you won't conquer your food addiction. Emotional Eating