问题 单项选择题








                                                               You Are Going Places
     One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant
in town as a cashier, seater and waiter.
     I went to work feeling   1  . And to make matters worse, I was busy that evening. It' s the same thing over
and over again.   2   with customers who complain about their food and where they are   3   is too big or too
small. Little things like that tend to   4   a lot of us   5   but we manage to deal with it.
     Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the windows. It happened to be the very   6   near where I keep the
dirty   7   in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and coming in and   8   
running all over the house, it was crazy.   9   these elderly women were watching  10  I was working to make
sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.
     When they  11  their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school,
how I was doing, what  12  I was in and what I planned to do in the future.
      13  they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a  14  and gentle voice, "You are
going places. And that was it. They left the  15  and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me  16  to believe
in myself. They  17  my spirit from being down and gave me a  18  to keep on working hard.
     People used to tell me that I couldn't have a career in  19  until I had a degree. I'm now a co-anchor (联合主
持人) of a student-produced television  20 . And the best thing is: I'm only 17 years old and I am a senior in high
( )1. A. tired    
( )2. A. Dealing  
( )3. A. sat      
( )4. A. attract  
( )5. A. employees 
( )6. A. table    
( )7. A. dishes    
( )8. A. men      
( )9. A. And      
( )10. A. what      
( )11. A. finished
( )12. A. place    
( )13. A. Before    
( )14. A. confident 
( )15. A. kitchen   
( )16. A. ability  
( )17. A. put down  
( )18. A. cause    
( )19. A. television 
( )20. A. company  
B. excited     
B. Helping     
B. seated       
B. avoid       
B. customers   
B. box        
B. rooms          
B. women        
B. Otherwise  
B. how           
B. completed   
B. grade      
B. While         
B. loud        
B. house         
B. courage    
B. picked up     
B. reason      
B. government     
B. station  
C. up           
C. Talking       
C. laid         
C. adjust       
C. boss         
C. spot        
C. clothes         
C. servers     
C. But          
C. where           
C. ordered       
C. mark        
C. As             
C. low          
C. restaurant     
C. imagination  
C. took over       
C. present    
C. school         
C. show      
D. down             
D. Meeting              
D. seating            
D. annoy              
D. employers          
D. kitchen         
D. chairs                 
D. people           
D. So                
D. why                  
D. got                  
D. position         
D. After              
D. pleasant           
D. table              
D. time              
D. pointed out          
D. permission         
D. restaurant           
D. advertisement       

本题包括70-A 、70-B 两道题目,请任选其中一道在答题卡相应区域作答。如果两道题均作答,将按70-A 题计分。(本题22 分)

简答题:根据所给材料回答问题。(凡要求作选择回答的问题,应将与所选选项对应的字母填写在答题卡上的相应括号内。把错项选入,该问题不得分;正确项少选,按所选的正确项数量得分。凡要求作陈述回答的问题,请将答案书写在答题卡的相应区域。)  时尚类月刊《流行都市》由甲出版社主办。2008年1月,从事广告经营业务的乙公司打算开拓利用时尚类期刊经营广告的新途径。经协商,乙公司与甲出版社达成合作协议:甲出版社每年安排出版4期《流行都市》增刊,由乙公司提供稿件;甲出版社须对全部稿件进行审阅并作必要的编辑加工;乙公司负责增刊的印制和出版社自办发行范围以外的发行事务,并承担所需的相应费用;乙公司付给甲出版社编录费和管理费,标准为每期4万元。  协议书签订后,乙公司招聘3名应届大学毕业生组成合作部,负责组织稿件并设计版面。2008年3月初,乙公司把图文已经组版的电子文件送交甲出版社。收到乙公司送交的电子文件后,《流行都市》编辑部的一名编辑抓紧时间进行审阅并作了必要的编辑加工,编辑部主任翻阅复核初审编辑的修改之处后即提交甲出版社总编辑签发,随后到本社出版科开具印刷委托书,交乙公司具体安排印制。2008年3月底,第1期增刊印制完毕。这些增刊除按协议约定交甲出版社一部分外,其余均由乙公司安排发行。编辑出版网  增刊在面封上以80级字印制当期主题“都市之春”,在其下方以40级字印刊名“流行都市”,用22级字标明“2008年增刊1”字样;登载的内容均为介绍大都市年轻白领各种生活爱好的文章和图片,并插入许多与主题相关的广告;为适应广告的登载,增刊的开本比正刊稍大,页面数也比正刊多。  但是,增刊出版不久,省新闻出版局认定甲出版社与乙公司之间的“合作”属于买卖刊号行为,并对双方进行了行政处罚。  问题一:本案的下列事项中哪些是违规的?请作选择回答。  A.甲出版社决定每年安排出4期增刊  B.乙公司招聘应届大学生组成合作部从事组织稿件、设计版面的工作  C.增刊开本比正刊稍大  D.增刊面封用80级字印当期主题,用40级字印刊名  E.增刊页面数比正刊多  问题二:  为什么问题一中的某项或某几项事项是违规的?请分别说明理由。  问题三:甲出版社的增刊编辑工作存在哪些错误?  问题四:出版行政部门认定甲出版社与乙公司之间的“合作”属于买卖刊号行为,这是为什么?